Summary of basic knowledge when giving mandarin oranges to dogs

Some of the foods we eat on a daily basis, such as xylitol-containing foods and onions, are dangerous to dogs.

Is it okay for dogs to eat the popular fruit “mandarin oranges” that can be easily obtained at supermarkets? I will explain in detail the precautions and appropriate amount when a dog eats mandarin oranges.

Summary of basic knowledge when giving mandarin oranges to dogs

Dogs can eat tangerines!

It’s basically okay for dogs to eat tangerines. Not only “flesh” but also “thin skin” and “white muscle” do not contain dangerous ingredients for dogs. However, the “exodermis” and “seed” are difficult for dogs to digest, so be sure to remove the exodermis and seeds.

Not only mandarin oranges, but the exodermis of all citrus fruits contains a substance called “psoralen” that is addictive to dogs. Overdose may cause symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, so when giving mandarin oranges, peel the exodermis and give only the “flesh” and “thin skin”.

What you need to know before giving mandarin oranges to dogs | What are the nutritional components of mandarin oranges?

Mandarin oranges are high in vitamin C, but it is said that dogs do not need to be actively given from the viewpoint of nutrients because they can synthesize vitamin C in the body. On the other hand, it is thought that dogs lack the ability to produce vitamins as they get older, and summer is a season when vitamin C is likely to be deficient, so it is also a good idea to give tangerines to supplement vitamin C. I think it’s good.

In addition to vitamin C, mandarin oranges contain many ingredients that can be expected to maintain good health.

Summary of basic knowledge when giving mandarin oranges to dogs

Plenty of water

If you want to drink water but it is difficult to drink, especially in the season when you are worried about heat stroke, you may have trouble if you do not drink it even if you want to rehydrate. In such cases, it is advisable to rehydrate by giving sweet oranges. If you give too much, it may lead to digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, so try adding a few drops of mandarin orange juice to your usual water.


Potassium plays a role in regulating water in the body and also promotes the excretion of excess sodium in the body.

citric acid

Citrus fruits contain a lot of nutrient “citric acid” which can be expected to have a fatigue recovery effect. The condition in which cells oxidize and try to repair them leads to fatigue. Since citric acid is used for this cell repair, it is thought to lead to recovery from fatigue.

Summary of basic knowledge when giving mandarin oranges to dogs

Cellulose (dietary fiber)

Cellulose, which is abundant in mandarin oranges, is said to have the effect of adjusting the intestinal environment. Veterinary clinics often offer constipated dogs a diet high in fiber. There are individual differences in whether mandarin oranges alone can improve constipation, but it can be said that it has the effect of adjusting the intestinal environment.

What are the precautions when giving mandarin oranges to your dog?

Mandarin oranges, which are high in water and nutrients, can cause indigestion and lead to digestive symptoms such as diarrhea if given too much. Give 1 to 3 bunches (10 to 15 g) a day as a guide. It may be a good idea to give mandarin oranges instead of your usual snack. Large seeds and skins can cause indigestion, so give only the pulp.

Summary of basic knowledge when giving mandarin oranges to dogs

Be careful of processed oranges!

Be careful as canned tangerines and processed products such as jelly and juice may contain a lot of sugar. When giving, it is safe to give an appropriate amount of unprocessed oranges.

Incorporate mandarin oranges well and enjoy a fun diet with your dog!

It is okay to feed your dog mandarin oranges, but be careful not to give too much or processed products. When feeding, first give only a small amount and only the flesh as a snack. By making good use of it, I think that the eating habits with your dog will surely become sharper.