Quick Answer: Where Do The Reactants For The Krebs Cycle Come From

Fuel for the Krebs cycle comes from lipids (fats) and carbohydrates, which both produce the molecule acetyl coenzyme-A (acetyl-CoA) This acetyl-CoA reacts in the first step of the eight step sequence of reactions that comprise the Krebs cycle, all of which occur inside mitochondria of eukaryotic cells

What are the reactants of the Krebs cycle?

The only reactants of the Krebs cycle proper are acetyl CoA and the aforementioned four-carbon molecule, oxaloacetate The availability of acetyl CoA hinges on adequate amounts of oxygen being present to suit the needs of a given cell

Where do the reactants for the Krebs cycle come from quizlet?

, the pyruvate produced from glycolysis goes into the mitochondrial matrix Here, the pyruvate molecule undergoes oxidative decarboxylation to produce two Acetyl CoA molecules as catalyzed by the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase

What is the primary reactant for the Krebs cycle to occur?

The three-carbon pyruvic acid molecules are converted to a two-carbon molecule attached to Coenzyme A, called acetyl CoA, via the process of pyruvate oxidation It is the product, acetyl CoA, which enters the Krebs cycle

Where do the reactants of glycolysis come from?

Since glucose is a six-carbon molecule and pyruvate is a three-carbon molecule, two molecules of pyruvate are produced for each molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell, and does not require oxygen The net energy production is two ATP per glucose

What are the reactants in the citric acid cycle?

Products Description Reactants Products The sum of all reactions in the citric acid cycle is: Acetyl-CoA + 3 NAD + + FAD + GDP + P i + 2 H 2 O → CoA-SH + 3 NADH + FADH 2 + 3 H + + GTP + 2 CO 2

Where does the oxidative phosphorylation occur?

Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane, in contrast with most of the reactions of the citric acid cycle and fatty acid oxidation, which take place in the matrix

What is the main reactant or compound that enters Glycolysis and where did it come from?

1 Glucose molecule goes into Glycolysis and 2 Pyruvate comes out if oxygen is available, yielding ATP and NADH energy

What are the reactants and products of the ETC?

Quiz: What are the initial reactants which start the electron transport chain? Answer 2 hydrogen ions and 2 electrons start the chain Oxygen and ADP are also reactants What are the final products of the chain? Answer 3 ATP and a water molecule are products

What are the products and reactants of Glycolysis?

Glucose is the reactant; while ATP and NADH are the products of the Glycolysis reaction

What are the reactants and products of oxidative phosphorylation?

Overall, the process produces the 2 pyruvate plus 2 molecules of water, 2 ATP, 2 molecules of NADH, and 2 hydrogen ions (H+) The NADH carries electrons to the oxidative phosphorylation step of cellular respiration, which occurs inside of the mitochondrion

Where does oxidative phosphorylation take place in prokaryotes?

In prokaryotes, oxidative phosphorylation takes place in the inner cytoplasmic membrane In prokaryotes, the enzyme complexes involved in the ETC are present in the plasma membrane instead of the mitochondrial membrane as in eukaryotes

Where does oxidative phosphorylation takes place Mcq?

Explanation: Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in mitochondria

Where exactly does the citric acid cycle take place within the cell?

Within the mitochondrion, the citric acid cycle occurs in the mitochondrial matrix, and oxidative metabolism occurs at the internal folded mitochondrial membranes (cristae)

Where does citric acid cycle occur?

In eukaryotes, the reactions of the citric acid cycle take place inside mitochondria, in contrast with those of glycolysis, which take place in the cytosol (Figure 171)

What are the 3 reactants of the ETS in photosynthesis?

In photosynthesis, chlorophyll, water, and carbon dioxide are reactants

Where does ETC take place?

The electron transport chain activity takes place in the inner membrane and the space between the inner and outer membrane, called the intermembrane space

What are the two electron carriers?

There are two types of electron carriers that are particularly important in cellular respiration: NAD +start superscript, plus, end superscript (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, shown below) and FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) Chemical structures of NAD+ and NADH

Where does oxidative phosphorylation take place and what materials are the reactants and the products in this process?

Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the mitochondria, and the two reactions (oxidation of NADH or FADH2 and phosphorylation to generate ATP) are coupled by a proton gradient across the inner membrane of the mitochondria (Figure 9)

What are the products of the oxidative phosphorylation?

The products of oxidative phosphorylation are ATP, NAD+, and FAD+ The NADH and FADH produced during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle are used to reduce

What is produced in oxidative phosphorylation?

Oxidative phosphorylation is the process in which ATP is formed as a result of the transfer of electrons from NADH or FADH 2 to O 2 by a series of electron carriers For example, oxidative phosphorylation generates 26 of the 30 molecules of ATP that are formed when glucose is completely oxidized to CO2 and H2O

Where does oxidative phosphorylation take place in a bacterial cell?

The cytoplasmic membrane is the site of oxidative phosphorylation in bacteria By the way, it is believed that mitochondria (and chloroplasts) are descended from bacteria that became endosymbionts long ago

What takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane?

At the inner mitochondrial membrane, a high energy electron is passed along an electron transport chain The energy released pumps hydrogen out of the matrix space The gradient created by this drives hydrogen back through the membrane, through ATP synthase

Which activated carriers are produced by the citric acid cycle?

NADH and FADH2 (The citric acid cycle produces reduced forms of two activated carriers, NADH and FADH2 These electron carriers transfer a hydride ion, two electrons, and one proton to the electron-transport chain complexes)

Which one of the following component is present in mitochondrial matrix?

The mitochondrial matrix contains the mitochondria’s DNA, ribosomes, soluble enzymes, small organic molecules, nucleotide cofactors, and inorganic ions

Which of the following takes place in substrate level phosphorylation Mcq?

Which of the following takes place in substrate level phosphorylation? Explanation: Substrate reacts to form a product containing a high energy bond Explanation: Not only proton transport but there is electron transport also 9

What products of glucose are essential for oxidative phosphorylation?

essential for oxidative phosphorylation NADPH and ATP O NADH and FADH2 Acetyl coa NAD+ and FAD * Cyanide ion and carbon monoxide inhibit antibiotic activity

What are the reactants in photosynthesis?

The reactants of photosynthesis are everything to the left of the “———>” arrow, thus the reactants of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight energy The products of photosynthesis are everything to the right of the “———>” arrow, thus the products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen

What are the products of the ETC?

The end products of electron transport are NAD+, FAD, water and protons The protons end up outside the mitochondrial matrix because they are pumped across the cristal membrane using the free energy of electron transport

Which gas is produced during photosynthesis?

The energy from light causes a chemical reaction that breaks down the molecules of carbon dioxide and water and reorganizes them to make the sugar (glucose) and oxygen gas