Does It Worry You That Your Dog Eats Grass?

dog eats grass

Some parents love pet dogs like their kids and watch their every activity and behavior to ensure they are safe. For example, they may suddenly notice their furry friends have started gorging on grass and worry about it. If this happens for the first time, you may panic, thinking about vomit and everything. You may ask if this is normal. However, you don’t have to feel anxious. If you know why they eat grass, when, and how to discourage them healthily, your stress levels will not rise. You will be able to take some well-informed steps. So, let’s address this case.

Reasons for dogs to eat grass

Dog eating grass may look like an abnormal behavior initially, but it all depends on the factors that make them indulge in this. If you listen to vets or experienced pet owners, you may learn that they can do this due to a diet deficiency or lack of minerals, nutrients, and vitamins in the body. They can refer to this as pica disorder that involves ingesting nonfood stuff. You don’t have to get tensed if you give your dog a balanced diet. However, consulting the vet for some dietary changes can be helpful. Let them know your cause of concern.

Since grass is fiber-rich, they can consume it for better digestion, bowel movement, and improved GI system. In that case, you can add food that is high in fiber. While these can be the reasons, some believe that genetic makeup can also be responsible for this new behavior in them. Although wild dogs didn’t eat grass directly, they survived on animals that ate plants. That ancestral instinct can create cravings in these domesticated dogs, and due to their evolved sense of diet, they can fulfill these through the grass.

Sometimes, dogs display such unusual tendencies due to boredom. If you walk your dog to a park and let them play alone, they can chew on the grass to distract themselves. In this case, your companionship, suitable reward program, and exercise schedule can help. Nevertheless, you may get worried seeing them throwing up yellow vomit, although they can be sprightly afterward. Vets will tell you that it is bile, signaling the issue of an empty stomach. It can irritate their stomach. Humans rely on antacids to relieve discomfort, and dogs can recourse to grass to remove bile from their system.

If your dog has developed bile problem, you can give her a small portion of food as soon as she is awake. Make this a routine. It will allow the digestive fluid to help digestion and not upset the tummy. Likewise, you can give a bit of food at nighttime. But there must be no alarming cause behind this unusual behavior. For example, they may enjoy grass’s taste, fragrance, and texture. Or, wet grass can be thirst-quenching for them. If it is this, you can place a bowl of clean and clear water daily to drink. 

Is eating grass – good or bad?

Consuming grass can be a sign that your dog wants to relieve its upset stomach and vomit too. One study shows that only 9% of pups had illness symptoms before they started having grass, and nearly 22% of them threw up after eating this. The researchers opine that it is normal for pet dogs. Still, you cannot take risks with their health. Everyone knows that grass may contain traces of pesticides and herbicides, which can harm them. They may also eat hookworms or roundworms found in animals’ excreted matter. For this, the vet may recommend blood and decal tests to analyze the effect of toxic chemicals and parasites. 

At the same time, watching their daily habits and health can be good. You must be alert if you notice they have lost weight or appetite. Incidents of diarrhea, vomiting, blood stains in stool, lip licking, and low energy can also hint at hidden medical conditions.

The techniques to stop the grass-eating habit

Because ingesting nonfood items may not be suitable for their health, you can prevent your dog from this. It will be more helpful to ensure this if they do it due to boredom. As mentioned earlier, involve them in fun activities and exercises. Bring them the chew toys so that they remain absorbed with them. Offer them frequent and smaller meals, so they don’t feel hungry. You can search online for supplements or talk to the vet to make a dog’s diet more balanced and wholesome. You get pretty good varieties of digestive and nutritional items in the market for every age and breed. 

So, what do you think of your dog’s changing behavior? Do you feel your dog is sick or bored? Their physical and psychological manifestations indicate the best way to treat their newly developed habit. Although it may initially feel too much due to anxiety and concern for your pet friend, you don’t need to lose sleep. As you see, this dietary habit is not always harmful. But you have to take care of the grass quality. Also, you would want to control it if they nibble a lot of grass. It could affect their health even if there were no signs of illness previously.

Since parenting a pet dog is almost like a full-time job where you have to provide continuous care, dogs tend to win over you with their love and loyalty. Hence, it can be worth caring for them and keeping them fit. A comprehensive plan should include timely vet checkups, vaccination, a healthy diet, exercising, etc. Then, they may also need some private time for peace. Leave them by themselves for some time. It can be beneficial for you also, especially when you have a busy working schedule. If you cannot take care of all their needs, you can ask your friends and family members to pitch in their support whenever possible. 

In the end, taking care of a dog can be enjoyable if you know why they behave in a certain way when they do. Hence, educating yourself on this aspect can be a good idea.