Can I feed my dog eggs?

Have you ever wondered if you could use eggs that are nutritious and can be used in various dishes for dog food? Eggs are often used in dog snacks on the market, so I think many people are interested in them. Here, we will answer the question of whether it is okay to feed dogs with eggs and explain the nutrients and precautions contained in eggs.

Can I feed my dog eggs?

Dogs can eat overheated eggs!

Dogs can eat overheated eggs without any problems. Eggs are a nutritious ingredient for dogs, but they are also high in calories, so be careful not to give them too much.

As a guideline for the amount that can be given daily, about 5g per 1kg of body weight is about 15g for small dogs such as Chihuahuas, and about 150g for large dogs such as Labrador.

If an M-size egg weighs around 60g, it is calculated that a large dog can eat two eggs a day. However, if you are eating nutritionally balanced food, you do not need to give eggs every day, so it is recommended to give them when you lose your appetite or as a snack.

Raw egg whites are dangerous

Even if you say it’s okay to eat eggs, raw egg whites are dangerous for dogs, so be sure to heat them before feeding. Avidin, a component of raw egg whites, blocks the absorption of biotin, so eating large amounts of raw egg whites can cause symptoms such as loss of appetite and dermatitis.

Can I feed my dog eggs?

Nutrients obtained by dogs eating eggs (* 1)

Eggs are superfoods that are rich in the nutrients dogs need.

If you give it too much, it will cause you to feel unwell, so be sure to keep the amount suitable for your dog and take in nutrients well.


The protein contained in the egg has the function of building good muscles and adjusting the condition of the hair. Even humans who do muscle training often eat boiled eggs to supplement protein.

Animal protein is easily digested by the dog’s body, so it is an essential nutrient for maintaining good health.


Biotin contained in egg yolk is one of the B vitamins.

It has the function of helping enzymes involved in metabolisms such as glucose and amino acids and is an essential nutrient for keeping the skin and hair of dogs healthy.


Choline is a nutrient necessary for the function of the circulatory system and brain. It is synthesized in the liver, but the amount produced by the dog’s body is not enough to supplement the required amount. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement with foods containing choline such as dog food and eggs.

Can I feed my dog eggs?

Other than eggs, it is abundant in soybeans and liver.

Recommended ways to include eggs in your dog’s diet

Eggs can be heated to eliminate the toxicity of a component called avidin contained in raw egg whites. It’s okay if you don’t eat a lot of egg whites raw, but you still want your dog to eat something that you can rest assured.

If you give it as a topping to your regular food, try to reduce the amount of food a little so that you don’t over-calorie.

boiled egg

Boiled eggs are easy and easy for dogs to eat, and heating eliminates the toxicity of avidin, so it is the recommended way to eat. In the case of a large dog, if you halve one egg and give it twice a day, you can take in nutrients efficiently without worrying about getting fat.

Boiled egg yolks are recommended, but egg yolks can be eaten raw, so it’s okay to give them a little soft-boiled.

Scrambled eggs

If you give it scrambled eggs, make it without oiling and use it as a topping for food throughout the day.

For dogs that don’t like the dryness of boiled eggs, scrambled eggs are recommended because they can be eaten without resistance. Even if you mix a small number of other ingredients such as unsalted shirasu, your dog will be overjoyed. However, do not season with salt or soy sauce as it can be oversalted.

Eat eggs to supplement your dog’s nutritional needs. However, be careful about allergies

Eggs are packed with the nutrients that dogs need, so giving them the right amount can be expected to have health benefits. However, please note that some dogs have egg allergies as well as humans. Give a small amount at first, watch the situation, and if there is no problem, feed the dog in an amount that matches the weight of the dog.