Question: How Much Money Is A Discus Fish

Quality discus fish range in price from $18 up to $150 You have to be careful when purchasing discus fish for less than $18 Usually very cheap discus fish are low quality

Why are discus expensive?

Discus fish are so expensive because breeding and keeping them requires some of the most labor intensive fish keep practices known Breeding discus, however, requires more care, very good water conditions, less fish in the tank and the expensive bigger ones are probably a year or so old

Can I keep a single discus?

(That’s why people recommend doing all those frequent water changes) Many customers ask us, “Can I keep one discus?” Technically, the answer is yes The same thing applies with discus However, they are schooling fish by nature and are much happier when surrounded by a large group of their own kind

Are discus fish for beginners?

King of the Aquarium Wild caught discus can be challenging to keep, due to their specialized water chemistry and dietary needs, however, most discus sold today are captive bred and are much easier to keep That said, they are not for beginners for a variety of reasons

Are discus fish good pets?

Even though it is a bit difficult to maintain the discus fish, they make a good pet Discus fish for sale are expensive because their breeding and keeping involve the most labor-intensive practices of fish keeping

Whats the most expensive fish?

The Five Most Expensive Types of Fish in the World Platinum Arowana – $430,000 The most expensive fish in the world in the Platinum Arowana Freshwater Polka Dot Stingray – $100,000 Peppermint Angelfish – $30,000 Masked Angelfish – $30,000 Bladefin Basslet – $10,000

How many discus Can I put in a 55 gallon tank?

3-5 discus should be doable in a 55gal aquarium as long as water changes are kept up with A general rule you can follow is one discus per 10 gallons Since these fish are tall, do not keep them in shallow tanks

Can angelfish go with discus?

Angelfish are usually peaceful, but they can be aggressive when feeding and breeding Discus fish are docile and may be deprived of food by angelfish You can put them together but make sure the discus fish is eating

Can I keep just 2 discus?

You can keep 2 discus fish in this size but they won’t live happily or for a long time However, you can keep 2 baby discus fish when they are not fully grown inside a 15-gallon tank For healthy growth of discus fry, get the tank water cleaned regularly or install a high-quality filter

How fast does discus grow?

They are fully grown at the age of approximately 2 to 25 years! To ensure the steady and stable growth of our discus fish, we recommend continuing to feed 3 daily meals of our STENDKER Discus Feed

How many discus are in a 75 gallon?

In a 75 gallon, you could do a nice group of 6 discus easily I generally say roughly 10 gallons per discus, so 6 would be good in there I’m not sure if ropefish would be good tank mate or not, I’ve never kept them or read much about them

How much does a 100 gallon aquarium cost?

A basic 100 gallon acrylic tank can cost anywhere from $800-$1000 Glass tanks can be found for around $500 but they are less durable and harder to keep clean If you want a package then you should expect to pay anywhere from $1200 to $1500 for an acrylic tank with a stand and a hood

Can I keep discus in a 45 gallon tank?

Provide at least 8-10 gallons of water per adult discus you plan to keep, starting with a 45 gallon aquarium at least These fish prefer a tall tank because of their body shape and habits They do not compete well for food, so be sure tank mates are equally as docile or much smaller so the discus aren’t intimidated

Are discus shy?

Discus are shy and become easily agitated They prefer to have little intrusion in their tank Although the discus like plenty of plants to hide in, they should be plants that require little upkeep so that you will not need to disrupt them frequently They also do not like bright lights or noise

Can discus live in 78 degrees?

“Do not keep your discus in water under 85 degrees or THEY WILL DIE!” He must have accidentally sent me an arctic discus species, because even at 78 degrees, they’re completely fine Quite a number of folks have breed them at 82F, clearly not too wimpy if they are breeding at such temps

What is the cheapest fish?

White-fleshed fish is usually inexpensive, has a mild flavor, cooks quickly and it takes on pretty much whatever sauce or herbs you cook it in The most popular kinds of white fish include cod, tilapia, haddock, catfish, grouper, bass and snapper

What is the rarest fish to own?

8 Rarest Freshwater Fishes in the World Moapa Dace Conasauga Logperch Devils Hole Pupfish Futuna’s Emperor Diamond Darter Alabama Sturgeon Damba Mipentina Chinese Paddlefish

What type of fish is expensive?

The most expensive fish, which is also hard-to-find, include the varieties of swordfish, king salmon, yellowfin tuna, puffer fish, and bluefin tuna The prices per pound for these high-end fish can reach $20 per pound or more, depending on whether you are cooking it at home or ordering from a restaurant

Can discus live without air pump?

We recommend to keeping your discus tank PH levels to that of whats in the water source Due to the fall of water from the filter coming back into the tank, so an air pump might not be necessary in need but if its a larger tank please take it into consideration or during warmer months

Are discus fresh or saltwater?

Symphysodon, colloquially known as discus, is a genus of cichlids native to the Amazon river basin in South America Due to their distinctive shape, behavior, and bright colors and patterns, discus are popular as freshwater aquarium fish, and their aquaculture in several countries in Asia is a major industry