Question: How Much Is A Discus Fish Cost

Quality discus fish range in price from $18 up to $150 You have to be careful when purchasing discus fish for less than $18 Usually very cheap discus fish are low quality

Why are discus expensive?

Discus fish are so expensive because breeding and keeping them requires some of the most labor intensive fish keep practices known Breeding discus, however, requires more care, very good water conditions, less fish in the tank and the expensive bigger ones are probably a year or so old

Can I keep a single discus?

(That’s why people recommend doing all those frequent water changes) Many customers ask us, “Can I keep one discus?” Technically, the answer is yes The same thing applies with discus However, they are schooling fish by nature and are much happier when surrounded by a large group of their own kind

Is a discus a beginner fish?

Wild caught discus can be challenging to keep, due to their specialized water chemistry and dietary needs, however, most discus sold today are captive bred and are much easier to keep That said, they are not for beginners for a variety of reasons

How long do discus fish live for?

Discus fish, kept in good conditions, can live for up to 15 years and reach sizes of up to 20 centimetres / 8” in diameter! They are fully grown at the age of approximately 2 to 25 years!

How many discus Can I put in a 55 gallon tank?

3-5 discus should be doable in a 55gal aquarium as long as water changes are kept up with A general rule you can follow is one discus per 10 gallons Since these fish are tall, do not keep them in shallow tanks

Does discus need RO water?

While Reverse Osmosis (RO) water is not required to successfully keep discus, for many it is an absolute necessity to breed them When shopping for an RO unit be aware that you will only need a three stage unit (sediment filter-carbon block-and ro membrane)

Can angelfish go with discus?

Angelfish are usually peaceful, but they can be aggressive when feeding and breeding Discus fish are docile and may be deprived of food by angelfish You can put them together but make sure the discus fish is eating

How much does a 100 gallon aquarium cost?

A basic 100 gallon acrylic tank can cost anywhere from $800-$1000 Glass tanks can be found for around $500 but they are less durable and harder to keep clean If you want a package then you should expect to pay anywhere from $1200 to $1500 for an acrylic tank with a stand and a hood

Do discus really need daily water changes?

Discus fish don’t require daily water changes unless they are juveniles, and you want to grow them to their maximum potential However, they still need frequent water changes, and you should certainly do it if you want to raise a healthy, big, and beautiful fish

Can discus fish live with bettas?

At first, the thought of keeping betta fish with discus might not seem like the best idea However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad pairing Successfully mixing betta fish with discus is definitely possible

Are discus fresh or saltwater?

Symphysodon, colloquially known as discus, is a genus of cichlids native to the Amazon river basin in South America Due to their distinctive shape, behavior, and bright colors and patterns, discus are popular as freshwater aquarium fish, and their aquaculture in several countries in Asia is a major industry

Can discus live in a community tank?

Discus are cichlids, meaning that they demonstrate brood care and protect their eggs and fry from others Although they are community fish and safe with small fish, a community tank containing Discus only works if the conditions the Discus need are met first and foremost

How often do you feed discus?

The question we are asked most often is, “What do you feed your discus, and how often do you feed them” Discus enjoy a varied diet consisting of high-quality nutrients, but they also like their goodies Adult discus are fed twice daily, and younger fish are fed three times a day or more

Can discus live without air pump?

We recommend to keeping your discus tank PH levels to that of whats in the water source Due to the fall of water from the filter coming back into the tank, so an air pump might not be necessary in need but if its a larger tank please take it into consideration or during warmer months

Can stunted discus grow?

The final concern would be the reversibility of the condition A lot of owners keeping discus fish may argue that stunted discus can still grow to their full potential Remember, “stuntness” is greatly affected by how or where the discus fish live

How do you set up a discus aquarium?

The tank should typically be placed between 1 and 12 meters above the ground Placing the tank to high up has been to known to alter the behavior of the discus fish, and properly placing the tank provides a sense of security for the fish that will only benefit in the long run

Can I use tap water for discus?

Tap Water The fish are bred in soft-water, but raised in German tap water and have been so since 1966 You can of course if you live in a soft water area or want to use RO water also keep them in soft water Stendker Discus will acclimatise to any ph between 5 and 8, 7 to 7

Can I keep 4 discus?

Keep at least 4-6 discus in your main tank whenever possible As a shoaling species that naturally congregates in groups, discus are not suited to solitary living You should keep a minimum group of 4-6 discus in your main tank, and add more discus in groups of 4-6 as well