Quick Answer: Which Stage Of Cell Cycle Is The Longest

Stages of Interphase During interphase, the cell undergoes normal growth processes while also preparing for cell division It is the longest phase of the cell cycle, cell spends approximately 90% of its time in this phase

Which phase is the longest in the cell cycle?

Interphase is the longest part of the cell cycle This is when the cell grows and copies its DNA before moving into mitosis During mitosis, chromosomes will align, separate, and move into new daughter cells The prefix inter- means between, so interphase takes place between one mitotic (M) phase and the next

Which stage is the longest stage?

S Phase (Synthesis of DNA) The synthesis phase of interphase takes the longest because of the complexity of the genetic material being duplicated Throughout interphase, nuclear DNA remains in a semi-condensed chromatin configuration

Why is G1 phase the longest?

G1 is typically the longest phase of the cell cycle This can be explained by the fact that G1 follows cell division in mitosis; G1 represents the first chance for new cells have to grow Cells usually remain in G1 for about 10 hours of the 24 total hours of the cell cycle

Why is interphase the longest phase?

The synthesis phase of interphase takes the longest because of the complexity of the genetic material being duplicated Throughout interphase, nuclear DNA remains in a semi-condensed chromatin configuration

What is the longest phase of the cell cycle quizlet?

Interphase is the longest phase of the cell cycle, involving growth, development, and repair, but not including cell division Cytokinesis, the division of cytoplasm, occurs immediately after mitosis

How long is each phase of cell cycle?

The duration of these cell cycle phases varies considerably in different kinds of cells For a typical rapidly proliferating human cell with a total cycle time of 24 hours, the G1 phase might last about 11 hours, S phase about 8 hours, G2 about 4 hours, and M about 1 hour

Which is the longest of the mitotic stages?

The first and longest phase of mitosis is prophase During prophase, chromatin condenses into chromosomes, and the nuclear envelope (the membrane surrounding the nucleus) breaks down

Which is the longest phase in meiosis?

Prophase I is the longest and arguably most important segment of meiosis, because recombination occurs during this interval

Is metaphase the longest stage of mitosis?

Also, it is divided into an early and late stage So clearly, the longest phase of the Mitosis is Prophase Hence, the correct answer is option (A) Note: These phases do not have a sharp boundary for their beginning and end, as there are overlapping events

Which phase of the cell cycle is longest shortest?

Note: The shortest phase of the cell cycle is the Mitotic phase (M phase) and the longest phase of the cell cycle is G-1 phase

What is the longest lasting phase of the prokaryotic cell cycle?

Interphase: The longest-lasting phase of the cell cycle in which a cell performs the majority of its functions, such as preparing for nuclear division and cytokinesis

What is the G2 phase do?

Gap 2 Phase The last part of interphase is called the G2 phase The cell has grown, DNA has been replicated, and now the cell is almost ready to divide This last stage is all about prepping the cell for mitosis or meiosis During G2, the cell has to grow some more and produce any molecules it still needs to divide

Why does prophase take the longest in mitosis?

the longest phase of mitosis is prophase because in this phase many structure disappear like nucleus membrane and nucleolus at late prophase nd in early phrophase stage centriole become start dividing and shall go to the pole and mid phrophase stage centriole takes position at 90° between each other and lastly at the …Oct 22, 2018

Which is the longest mitotic stage quizlet?

Mitosis takes place during M phase, which is the longest phase of the cell cycle

What is the longest phase of mitosis quizlet?

The first and longest phase of mitosis, prophase can take up to 50 to 60 percent of the total time required to complete mitosis During this phase, the chromosomes become visible The centrioles located in the cytoplasm near the nuclear envelope, separate and take up positions on opposite sides of the nucleus

Why is interphase the longest stage of the cell cycle quizlet?

Interphase is the longest phase because the cell has to grow throughout, duplicate DNA, and prepare to go through mitosis The result of uncontrolled cell growth

Which is the shortest phase?

Hint: The shortest phase is a part of Meiosis I in cell division It involves the separation of homologous chromosomes, which start moving towards the opposite poles after they are aligned at the equator Complete answer: The shortest phase of mitosis is Anaphase I

How long is metaphase?

From the frequency of mitotic phases, defined as indicated in the preceding article (El-Alfy & Leblond, 1987) and corrected for the probability of their occurrence, it was estimated that prophase lasted 48 hr; metaphase, 02 hr; anaphase, 006 hr and telophase, 33 hr, while the interphase lasted 54 hr

What happens in G1 and G2 phase?

Initially in G1 phase, the cell grows physically and increases the volume of both protein and organelles In S phase, the cell copies its DNA to produce two sister chromatids and replicates its nucleosomes Finally, G2 phase involves further cell growth and organisation of cellular contents

Which is the longest phase of prophase first?

Longest phase of prophase-I of meiosis is PachyteneAs mentioned in study material

Which is the longest stage of prophase 1?

This complex extends the length of the chromosome pair and is attached to the nuclear envelope Third Stage: This is one of the longest stages of Prophase I, and it is during this stage that biological information is exchanged between chromosome pairs

Which of the following phases is the longest phase in the meiotic cell division?

Prophase I: Prophase of the first meiotic division is typically longer and more complex when compared to prophase of mitosis It has been further subdivided into the following five phases based on chromosomal behaviour, ie, Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis

Which is the longest phase in Karyokinesis?

A) Karyokinesis I: It is the division of nucleus that takes place in the following stages i) Prophase I: It is the longest phase of meiosis It has 5 sub stages and become short and thick

Which of the following phases are longest and shortest in mitosis?

It’s clearly mentioned in the NCERT that, Prophase is longest phase of mitosis If we want to check whether Anaphase is shortest or not, then as it’s next to Metaphase, during metaphase chromosomes align themselves in single line And in Anaphase, the only work is movement of chromosomes to the pole