Quick Answer: The Killer Love Wellness How To Use

Insert vaginally at bedtime for 7 days, and up to 14 days For spot treatment, use after sex, the last day of your period, or when things don’t feel quite right down there Expect some discharge over the course of the night, and avoid sexual intercourse during treatment

How do you insert a killer pill?

​Directions – Insert 1 suppository into vagina, preferably at bedtime Use for 7 days of chronic irritation (and up to 14 days), or use as a spot treatment when needed Insert 1 suppository into vagina, preferably at bedtime NDC 1 70892-001-02 (inactivated)

How far do you insert the killer?

You can use The Killer for as little as 1-3 days or for as long as 7-14 days (an entire box) As always, anytime you add anything new to your regimen, we recommend checking in with your doctor/healthcare provider to ensure it makes sense for you, and they can answer any more specific questions you might have!

How long does it take for love wellness to work?

Just pop it in — that’s it! Within a few hours, the capsule will start to dissolve and getting to work We recommend using it at bed time so it can be one less thing you have to worry about during the day as it can cause discharge We recommend using only one suppository every 24-hour period

Can you drink while using boric acid?

Boric acid is toxic when ingested by mouth, though Boric acid poisoning can lead to serious symptoms and can be fatal Because of this, always keep boric acid suppositories separate from oral medications to avoid accidental ingestion

Can boric acid hurt my partner?

Vaginal boric acid will not prevent an infection from spreading to your partner This medicine will not treat or prevent sexually transmitted disease

Does boric acid make you bleed?

Some of the serious side effects of Boric Acid are: Vaginal bleeding

Can you take probiotics and boric acid at the same time?

CAN I USE PROBIOTICS AND BORIC ACID TOGETHER? Yes you can! Boric acid is for treating mild yeast infections

How long after boric acid can you have oral?

Avoid any oral to genital contact for 24 hours after using

Does boric acid clear BV?

Intravaginal boric acid has been used for over a hundred years to treat vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis Boric acid is inexpensive, accessible, and has shown to be an effective treatment for other infections, such as vaginal candidiasis

Is boric acid safe to touch?

Boric acid is low in toxicity if eaten or if it contacts skin However, in the form of borax, it can be corrosive to the eye Borax can also be irritating to the skin

How do I know when to stop using boric acid?

You should not use boric acid if you are allergic to it, or if you have: pain or tenderness in your pelvis or lower stomach; fever, chills, nausea; vaginal bleeding; pelvic inflammatory disease; an active sexually transmitted disease; high blood pressure; heart disease;

What foods cause BV?

Anything fried The cons of eating fried foods are two-fold when it comes to vaginal health Not only can fried foods, which are high in fat, impact the delicate bacterial balance down there, they’re also associated with an increased risk for bacterial vaginosis

What happens if you swallow boric acid suppositories?

Swallowing a large amount of boric acid can have severe effects on many parts of the body Damage to the esophagus and stomach continues to occur for several weeks after the boric acid was swallowed Death from complications may occur as long as several months later

Does BV come back after using boric acid?

Another study found 88% of individuals who used boric acid suppositories paired with a common antibiotic treatment were cured of their BV after seven weeks After 12 weeks, this number increased to 92%

How do you use boric powder?

A person suffering from excessive smelly feet can apply boric acid powder mixed with talc to the inner side of footwear Boric acid when mixed with distilled water serves as a wound spray The solution contains antiseptic properties that help in treating minor wounds such as cuts and burns

Is Cranberry Juice Good for BV?

Anecdotal evidence suggests that cranberry juice may help remedy symptoms Complete prevention of BV is not possible, however, there are a number of factors to be considered when attempting to reduce the risk of BV

Can I use boric acid on my period?

It is safe to use boric acid while on your period, but if you are not comfortable, you can wait until your period ends to use boric acid again

Can other people smell BV?

Don’t worry too much about other people noticing the way your vulva smells Generally other people won’t be able to smell it at all unless they get very close to your vulva, like when you’re having sex, and in that case most people like the way their partners’ vulvas smell

Can I put boric acid on my skin?

The results of various earlier studies show that boric acid is not readily absorbed through the intact skin However, it is rapidly absorbed through damaged skin and wounds especially through granulation tissue It has been reported to cause moderate irritation of skin and mucous membranes

Can we use boric acid on wounds?

Thus, the 3 percent boric acid solution may be considered an efficient alternative in the treatment of deep wounds with loss of substance, but it is delicate to handle because of toxicity

How do you mix boric acid and sugar?

Place into 2-cup liquid measuring cup: 1 teaspoon boric acid powder 3 Tablespoons white table sugar 2 Fill to 1 ¾ cup line with warm distilled or bottled water; do not use tap water 3 Stir to dissolve completely

Does boric acid whiten clothes?

Boric acid deals well with yellow sweat stains Mix one tbsp of boric acid with water, and apply to the stains Or you can mix one tbsp of boric acid with detergent and put it into the washing machine to bleach all the clothes

Why do I get BV every month?

If you suffer from chronic BV, there are several reasons why it hasn’t gone away for good Some factors can include your use of perfumed hygiene products, your genital-washing routine and your choice of clothing It’s also possible that you didn’t finish your prescription medications from your last BV encounter