Quick Answer: Can I Keep These Fish Together

There are plenty of freshwater fish types that can co-exist with other different species in the same tank Guppies, Tetras, Swordtails, and Danios are just some of the most peaceful tropical species that happily swim around and easily adjust to newer groups

Which fishes can be kept together?

Fish That Live Well Together Catfish Corys Danios Gouramis Guppies Loaches Mollies Platies

What fish should not be put together?

Cichlids, certain species of sharks, loaches, knife fish, mormyrids and other territorial fish do not share space well with members of their own kind or closely related species

Do fish feel sad when another fish dies?

Researchers say this behavior is probably due to stress hormones released into the water by the dying fish Few studies have looked into whether fish actually mourn their dead, but this seems conceivable – at least for fish that live in pairs, like the French angelfish

What other fish can I put with my goldfish?

With these ground rules in mind, here are our top 10 tank mates that we have personally tested and found to be compatible with goldfish: Hillstream Loach Brochis multiradiatus Dojo Loach Bristlenose Pleco Rubbernose Pleco White Cloud Mountain Minnows Ricefish Hoplo Catfish

Are fish happy with other fish?

1 They are far more intelligent than they get credit for: Researchers have found that fish recognize each other and gather information by eavesdropping They’re capable of remembering past social interactions that they’ve had with other fish, and they show affection by rubbing against each other

Can betta fish live together?

Many people mistakenly believe that betta fish must be kept in “solitary confinement” Female bettas can live together, and while male bettas will fight with other male bettas, they can be placed singly in a “community” aquarium containing other species of fish

What fish can go with Oscars?

15 Best Oscar Fish Tank Mates – Full List of Compatible Fish Convict Cichlid Convict Cichlid Jewel Cichlid Jewel Cichlid Jack Dempsey Jack Dempsey Green Terror Cichlid Green Terror Cichlid Firemouth Cichlid Firemouth Cichlid Jaguar Cichlid Jaguar Cichlid Cichlasoma Cichlasoma Parrot Fish Parrot Fish

Do Fishes Fall in Love?

Scientists at the University of Burgundy in France carried out a study on convict cichlid – a popular aquarium fish that looks a little bit like zebra This shows us that fish do feel companionship and that it’s not just humans or mammals, so love really is in the water!

Do fish recognize their owners?

Surprisingly, science has found that fish are capable of recognizing their owner’s face, even if the owner is standing by the tank with other people Fish can develop an association between something they like, being fed, with the person who feeds them

Why do fish rub against each other?

If everything is in order, the cause of your fish’s erratic behavior may could be a parasite If your fish is rubbing himself up against something in the tank, then swimming quickly away, he may have an external parasite Many fish, like catfish, are bottom-feeders and spend their time there

Can two goldfish live together?

Keeping at least two goldfish in an aquarium is recommended to provide companionship and promote activity Solitary fish can exhibit depression and lethargy Goldfish are generally not aggressive so they can be kept with most community fish provided the other fish are larger than the size of the goldfish’s mouth

What size tank do I need for 2 goldfish?

Based on the rules above, the goldfish tank size we recommend for two goldfish is: 42 gallons for two Common goldfish That’s 30 gallons for the first fish and 12 additional gallons for the second fish 30 gallons for two fancy goldfish

Can Molly live with goldfish?

Mollies Temperament Mollies are also another peaceful breed of fish! However, they are not recommended to be placed with Goldfish, which may not make any sense due to their temperaments being similar Either way, it’s best to keep the Mollies away from Goldfish to protect their wellbeing

How do you play with pet fish?

So, if you want to help your fish exercise and escape boredom, here are 7 ways to play with your betta fish: Place a ping pong ball in the aquarium Use a mirror to watch your betta flare Introduce floating decorations Draw on the fish tank with dry erase markers Stick Post-its or other pieces of paper on the tank

Is it OK to put a fish tank near a TV?

Anytimes you have an aquarium, it is almost impossible to not have water spilling every now and then, more so when doing your changes or cleaning your fish tank Therefore, if you must have your fish tank next or below your TV, place them in such a way that water does not spill into any area it should not be

Can my fish see me?

A new study says, Yes, it probably can Researchers studying archerfish found the fish can tell a familiar human face from dozens of new faces with surprising accuracy A fish has a tiny brain And it would have no reason in its evolution to learn how to recognize humans

Do betta fish get lonely?

Do They Get Lonely? Betta fish are naturally territorial and should not be housed with any other betta fish because they will fight and injure each other, often resulting in death They are unlikely to get lonely in their tank; however, if they are in a small tank, they may get bored

Can I have 2 female bettas together?

Yes, Female Betta Fish Can Live in the Same Habitat So yes, two female bettas can live together in the same fish tank Female bettas can even get along with other types of fish if they can establish a “pecking order”Aug 19, 2021

Can guppies live with bettas?

So to conclude this article: yes, guppies and betta fish can live in the same aquarium You will have a bit more work feeding your betta separately and you will also need to purchase live plants, but it is doable

Can 2 Oscars live together?

Yes, you can easily keep two Oscar Fish in the same tank But as Oscar Fish can get pretty large you will require to keep them in a large tank What is this? For two Oscars, ideally, you should keep them in at least 75 gallon tank

What size tank do I need for 2 Oscars?

An Oscar fish needs between 55 and 75 gallons of tank space to be happy, with each additional Oscar requiring an additional 30 gallons Therefore, you could house 2 Oscars in a 125 gallon tank

What is the price of Oscar fish?

Natural Oscar Fish, Size: Natural, Rs 20 /piece Hiran Fish Aquarium | ID: 3289510991