Quick Answer: Can Discus Fish Go With Guppies

These discus-shaped fish are a graceful and colorful addition to a guppy fish tank They enjoy a planted aquarium and will thrive on a carnivorous diet The only issue with keeping these fish together is that they water temperature requirements don’t perfectly match up Discus fish enjoy warmer water than guppy fish

What fish can I keep with discus?

Discus Behavior/Compatibility Some suitable aquarium mates include cardinal tetras, neons, emperor and rummynose tetras as well as clown loaches and dwarf cichlids, such as rams and Apistogramma species All of these fish tolerate the high temperatures and low pH/hardness required by discus

Can you put discus in a community tank?

Discus are cichlids, meaning that they demonstrate brood care and protect their eggs and fry from others Although they are community fish and safe with small fish, a community tank containing Discus only works if the conditions the Discus need are met first and foremost

How many discus fish should be kept together?

Discus should be kept together, and those of different varieties will also school together meaning you can have great color variations A minimum of 5 is recommended, but more will look better and create a sturdier group

What kind of fish eat guppies?

Guppies have smaller bodies and brighter colors, making them easy targets for predators In the wild, cichlids, jumping guabine, and blue acara are the most common guppy predators In the tank, big fishes like leopard bush fish, goldfish, clown knife fish, and large angelfish can quickly eat an adult guppy

Can neon tetras live with discus?

As we discussed earlier this is important because discus fish are pretty prone to stress Although slightly lower temperatures are usually recommended for Rummynoses than Discus, hobbyists have found that the tetras usually do just fine in their warm Discus tanks

Can you put angelfish with discus?

Angelfish are usually peaceful, but they can be aggressive when feeding and breeding Discus fish are docile and may be deprived of food by angelfish You can put them together but make sure the discus fish is eating

Do discus really need daily water changes?

Discus fish don’t require daily water changes unless they are juveniles, and you want to grow them to their maximum potential However, they still need frequent water changes, and you should certainly do it if you want to raise a healthy, big, and beautiful fish

How do you make discus happy?

The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature We highly recommend 85 to 86°F The reason is because the discus farms we get them from usually keep their waters at these temperatures, and when we try to force them to cool down, it becomes a source of discomfort

Can I keep just 2 discus?

You can keep 2 discus fish in this size but they won’t live happily or for a long time However, you can keep 2 baby discus fish when they are not fully grown inside a 15-gallon tank For healthy growth of discus fry, get the tank water cleaned regularly or install a high-quality filter

Can I keep just 3 discus?

Also discus being a shoaling species a minimum number of at least six discus will need to be kept So with this information so far we can see that a tank of at least 60 gallons will need to be used for keeping discus The only exception for this is if you have a bonded breeding pair

How fast does discus grow?

They are fully grown at the age of approximately 2 to 25 years! To ensure the steady and stable growth of our discus fish, we recommend continuing to feed 3 daily meals of our STENDKER Discus Feed

Do neon tetras eat guppies?

Will Tetras Eat Guppy Fry? If you want to breed small guppies, then fry consumption can become a problem Of course, it can occur even with their species, as adult guppies often consume their fry Tetras can also pose that problem, but it can, luckily, be resolved in many different ways

Can I put female betta with guppies?

This is the best combination of guppies and bettas you can have in your tank While female bettas are still aggressive, they won’t be as aggressive as males And female guppies are less likely to trigger aggression in female bettas So if you’re desperate to house bettas and guppies together this is your best bet

Will catfish eat guppies?

Pictus catfish tend to eat just about anything they will fit in their mouths, which also includes the guppies These small fish will fit in the catfish mouth if they come in the way, and the catfish might start to actively pursue them and prey on them Also, the catfish will eat the guppy babies

Can you put Mollies with discus?

Some species that make good Molly fish tank mates are Dwarf Cichlids, Rams, Discus, Keyhole Cichlids, and Severums They need at least a 20-gallon tank, as they can grow up to 8 inches in captivity

What tropical fish can live with guppies?

If you want to house your guppies with other fish, here are 15 fish that are compatible with guppies: Swordtails Swordtail Fish – Wojciech J Platies Platy Fish Mollies Molly Fish Cory Catfish Cory Catfish Honey Gouramis Honey Gourami (source) Harlequin Rasboras Cardinal Tetra Bristlenose Pleco

How many discus Can I put in a 55 gallon tank?

3-5 discus should be doable in a 55gal aquarium as long as water changes are kept up with A general rule you can follow is one discus per 10 gallons Since these fish are tall, do not keep them in shallow tanks

Can discus live with Betta?

At first, the thought of keeping betta fish with discus might not seem like the best idea However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad pairing Successfully mixing betta fish with discus is definitely possible

Can guppies live with angelfish?

Unknown to most people, Guppies can sometime make great tank mates for Angelfish What is this? If you plan to keep these fish together, you should introduce them while the Angelfish are young and small This way, your Angelfish will see the Guppies as tank mates instead of food