Question: What Goes Up A Hill With 4 Legs And Down With 3

What goes up with 4 legs?

“A man” As a baby, a human goes about on all fours (“four legs in the morning”; morning = childhood), until he learns to walk, which he does so well into adulthood (“two legs in the afternoon”; afternoon = adulthood), until old age requires him to use a cane to support himself (“three legs in the evening”, evening =

What has 4 legs in the morning and 3 in the evening?

The answer is a human 4 legs in the morning is a baby crawling, 2 legs in the afternoon is an older child or adult that walks using just its legs, and 3 legs in the evening is an elderly person who uses a walking stick to help his/her walking Because it acts like an extra leg, in this case it counts as a third leg

What is lighter than air but Cannot be lifted?

The Answer to I Am Lighter Than Air But a Hundred People Cannot Lift Me Careful, I Am Fragile What Am I? Riddle is Bubbles

What do you fill the toy barrel with in Scribblenauts?

Solution: Place an igloo for the penguin Barrel of Monkeys! Problem: This toy barrel needs to be filled with something! Solution: Place a monkey in the barrel

What climbs a mountain on three legs but?

“Which animal can climb a mountain with 3 legs and come down with 4 legs?” A man can go up the mountain with a cane — and come down with crutches! This is similar to the riddle the sphinx posed to Oedipus

What has 4 legs in the morning 3 in the afternoon and 2 at night?

A baby crawls on all fours, then walks on two legs as an adult and uses two legs and a cane when they’re old Answer: Human has 4 legs in the morning 2 in the afternoon and 3 in the night

What has four legs up four legs down soft in the middle and hard all around?

RIDDLE: What has four legs up, four legs down, soft in the middle, Hard all around SOLUTION: A bed

What is the only question you Cannot answer yes to?

Riddle: What is the only question you can’t answer yes too? Answer: Are you asleep

What gets wetter the more it dries?

The answer for What Becomes Wetter the More It Dries Riddle is “Towel” Explanation: A towel is a fabric absorbent that is used for drying or wiping a body or a surface So, as the towel dries the more, it gets wetter

What is the answer to the Sphinx’s riddle which creature?

In Greek tradition, the sphinx has the head of a woman, the haunches of a lion, and the wings of a bird She is mythicized as treacherous and merciless, and will kill and eat those who cannot answer her riddleSphinx The Great Sphinx of Giza, with the Great Pyramid in the background Grouping Legendary creatures

What has four legs a head and a foot?

And a head but can’t talk? A bed

What goes on 4 legs in the morning 2 legs at noon?

What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening? The answer is man: a person crawls on all fours when a baby, walks upright in the middle period of their life, and uses a walking stick when they are elderly

What goes up with four legs and come down with two legs?

Oedipus answered: “Man As an infant, he crawls on all fours; as an adult, he walks on two legs; and in old age, he uses a walking stick”

What gets broken without being held?

Gotham Quotes I can be broken without being held Given and then taken away Some people use me to deceive, but when delivered, I am the greatest gift of all

What is in bed but never sleeps?

The answer to What has a bed but never sleeps and runs but never walks? Riddle Answer is “A river”Oct 10, 2020

What has teeth but Cannot bite?

As per the riddle, a comb has teeth but it can’t bite Other inanimate objects with teeth like a saw, zipper, or gear can bite you Hence comb is the correct answer

What goes on 4 legs in the morning Scribblenauts?

The Sphinx has given a riddle for Chase to solve “What goes on four legs in the morning, two at mid-day, and three in the evening?” The player must provide him with a man, a woman, or a baby Other people will not work

What is the harder to catch the faster you run?

Answer: your breath

What can you hear but not touch or see?

Explanation: Our Voice is a thing that we can Hear ourselves but we cannot Touch or See our voice

What is the saddest Fruit answer?

Explanation: Blueberries are the saddest fruits In English some colors are associated with feelings Blue is associated with sadness

What has 1000 legs but Cannot walk?

Fozzie Bear: Hey, question: What has 1,000 legs but can’t walk? Five hundred pairs of pants! A dead millipede/centipede

What is white when it’s dirty?

Explanation: Blackboard is Black in Colour and we write it on with the help of White Chalk When we overwrite things with white chalk on the blackboard or the Blackboard is totally full then, it looks Dirty So, Blackboard becomes dirty when it is turned White

Which creature walks on four legs in spring two legs in summer and three legs in winter?

The answer is Human

What can run but Cannot walk?

The answer to the riddle is water, a river A river can run but not walk It has a mouth but never talks and has a head but never weeps, has a bed (riverbed) but never sleeps

What is the Sphinx riddle?

Nobody ever knew the answer This was the Sphinx’s riddle: What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening? (Answer: a person: A person as a baby in the morning of their life crawls on four feet (hands and knees) As an adult in the noon of their life, they walk on two feet

What is easy to get in but hard to get out?

The answer for What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of? Riddle is “Trouble”Oct 2, 2020

What has a neck but no head?

The answer to the “who is that with a neck and no head” riddle is “a shirt”

What has 4 legs but Cannot walk?

The answer for What has four legs, but can’t walk? Riddle is “Table”Oct 5, 2020

What is full of holes but still holds water?

Riddle: What is full of holes but still holds water? The answer is: A Sponge

What is broken before you use it?

An egg has to be broken before you can use it That’s right, the answer to this tricky teaser is the humble egg