Question: Can A Damsel And Dory Fish Live In Same Tank

What fish can live with damsel?

To play it safe, stick with species from Chrysiptera like Azure, Talbot, Springer’s, Rolland’s, Yellowtail, Tracey’s, Tuxedo (research, these look very similar to the striped damsels of the Dascyllus genus, you don’t wanna end up with a Three-Stripe or Four-Stripe) maybe King (Chrysiptera Rex) demoiselles too

Can I have a Nemo and Dory live together?

Fortunately for Dory, if you want to add Marlin, Nemo, or Coral to the tank, they can all live peacefully together In fact, with a properly set up tank of 125 gallons or larger, you will be able to keep many of Nemo’s tankmates from the dentist’s office without the threat of them wanting to escape

Can you put damsel with clownfish?

Once they establish territories and live with each other long enough, they should be fine Although there’s always an exception It’s possible the pairs would get along right from the get-go

Which damsels are least aggressive?

Coral Fraud Private Eye Having kept both the yellow tail and the Azure, in my experience the Azure was the least aggressive of the two They are beautiful fish and least aggressive of the damsels but least aggressive is still very aggressive as far as damsels go

Can you mix damsels?

As a general rule, you shouldn’t try to keep different species of Damsels together in the same aquarium You should keep to one species of Damsel per aquarium If you’ve got a small aquarium it’s also generally a bad idea to mix other species with Damsels You should only do this in larger aquariums

Why is my damsel fish turning black?

While difference in coloration can indicate a health issue it’s normal for damsels and other fish like yellow tangs to show a noticeable change in coloration after the lights have been off or in response to stress like bullying

Can you put a blue tang and clownfish live together?

Clownfish can be kept alone in a standard-sized tank For a larger tank (I would recommend the investment if this is truly something you’re interested in), blue tangs, yellow tangs, and clownfish can live together

Can clownfish live with other fish?

Clownfish should not share tanks with aggressive and large fish such as groupers and lionfish, but they are compatible with many other fish Ocellaris clownfish do relatively well without anemone in captivity and sometimes even if given an anemone in their tank, they will not host it

Can you mix clownfish?

Can you mix clowns or have more than two? Yes, but they will fight Having multiply species in the same tank is like two rival gangs in the same area

What kind of fish can I put with my clown fish?

Best Tank Mates For Clownfish Mandarin Dragonet Mandarin Dragonet Dartfish Dartfish Red Coris Wrasse Red Coris Wrasse Yellow Tang Basslet Fish Chromis Damselfish Pygmy Angelfish Butterflyfish

Are Blue Reef Chromis Reef Safe?

This fish is considered reef tank safe Breeding : Sometimes bred in saltwater reef tanks Need a small school (shoal) and good water conditions Get them ready by giving them live foods

Are damselfish aggressive?

Damselfish get a really bad rap in the saltwater aquarium hobby They are highly aggressive, bite your hand if you put it in the tank, have been known to harass timid tank mates to death, and are a pain to remove if you have to take one out of your tank They are an extremely hardy marine fish4 days ago

What is the most peaceful damselfish?

Luckily, the orangetail damselfish is one of the most peaceful members of its family and so can go into most tanks with most tankmates

What do damsel fish eat?

Their diets include small crustaceans, plankton, and algae However, a few live in fresh and brackish waters, such as the freshwater damselfish, or in warm subtropical climates, such as the large orange Garibaldi, which inhabits the coast of southern California and the Pacific Mexican coast

Are damsels jumpers?

Maritimer said: Damsels aren’t “jumpers” the way, for instance, wrasses tend to be – but the only fish I know of that _can’t_ jump are seahorses

Do damselfish live in groups?

The majority of these fish are highly territorial, and may become aggressive toward other tankmates They do well in groups of the same species The average size of most Damselfish is two inches They do well in groups of the same species

How big does a Domino Damsel get?

The Domino Damsel, Dascyllus trimaculatus, also known as the Three Spot Dascyllus, is characterized by the presence of three white spots imposed on a jet black bodyCare Facts Care Level: Easy Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons Max Size: 6 inches

Are damsels schooling fish?

These Damsels are just about as hardy as their close relatives, but are more of a schooling fish They need to be kept in groups of at least five individuals to be happy, and will swim in a school in larger tanks, mostly in the upper portions of the tank

Can clownfish live in a 5 gallon tank?

Could a Clownfish live in a 5 gallon tank, yes, but it won’t be happy

Can clownfish live with guppies?

Make sure that the tank mates you are considering for your guppies will be able to live comfortably in freshwater as well Damselfish, mollies, and clownfish are examples of saltwater fish that will not be able to survive in a freshwater tank

Can a blue tang live in a 10 gallon tank?

Long term no, you shouldn’t keep it in the 10g I’d say keep it there as short as possible A few weeks probably won’t hurt Some tangs sit in tanks at the retailer for a few weeks and are in just about the same size space

What fish can live with seahorses?

There are many slow, cautious fish that make excellent tankmates for seahorses Scooter blennies, firefish, Banggai and pajama cardinals, and royal grammas are generally considered safe tankmates Many small goby species are acceptable The key to keeping other fish with your horses is their activity level

Can clownfish survive in tap water?

Can clown fish survive in freshwater? No Clownfish are saltwater fish and need saltwater Freshwater will kill clownfish very quickly

How many clownfish can I put in a 10 gallon tank?

Some have said that keeping more than one clown may result in territorial fighting Others have said that two should be fine in a 10 gallon; one might even change sex and become a pair