How Much Do Molly Fish Cost

Molly fish cost $2–$4 per fish

How much do mollies cost?

People who like Molly, which can cost $20 to $50 a dose, say it is a more socially acceptable drug than cocaine, because it is not physically addictive

How many molly fish should I buy?

Ideally, you should have a 10-gallon aquarium for a molly fish Depending on the species, you may add up to four mollies to the tank For Sailfins and other larger mollies, however, you’ll need to arrange a 30-gallon aquarium To live comfortably, each extra molly will require about 3 additional gallons

Can you have just one molly fish?

Yes, a single Molly Fish can live alone as long as she has all that she needs: clean water, good food, and enough space to swim and play in Please don’t forget though, that she will be happier with tank mates—whether fellow Mollies or other compatible fish

Do mollies eat their babies?

Cannibalism is normal with mollies and other livebearers like guppies and platys As fecund as they are, you don’t really need to worry about saving every last one

What is the cost of Black Molly?

Black Molly Fishes at Rs 15/piece | Black Molly Fish | ID: 19788245912

What is the lifespan of molly fish?

The molly fish lifespan is two to five years This freshwater fish is not known to live a long life Their lifespan actually depends on the environment you provide when keeping them as a pet The water conditions impact the lifespan of mollies as they are prone to diseases if the water conditions are poor

Can 2 mollies live together?

But with that being said mollies are generally seen to be extremely peaceful fish Especially in circumstances when one male molly is being kept with two female mollies However, if you house all male mollies then as previously mentioned you may notice aggression amongst them

How long are mollies pregnant for?

Mollies 50-70 days

What fish live with mollies?

As peaceful fish, they don’t cause many problems, so they go great with other peaceful species in a community aquarium Some good choices include cherry barbs, Corydoras catfish, Danios, dwarf gourami, Harlequin rasbora, Platies, Rosy Barbs, Tetras, yo-yo loaches, and Zebra Loaches

How can you tell if a Molly is a male or female?

Males and females can be differentiated by the shape of their anal fin Males have a anal fin that points backwards Females’ anal fin looks just like the rest of their other fins More than one molly can be kept in a tank together, however, they have been known to nip the fins of others in their tank

Will mollies and guppies school together?

Yes, guppies and mollies can live together, and they actually work well together However, if the right requirements aren’t met, then some aggression may occur (from the mollies) And there is always a slight risk that mollies will nip fish that have long fins such as guppies

How many mollies Can I put in a 20 gallon tank?

The average molly fish will grow to a size of 3 inches Keeping three female mollies and one male molly fish together is the best option in a 20-gallon tank They are livebearers, so keep an eye out for babies on a regular basis

How many babies can mollies have?

Gestation and Birth Female mollies will gestate their young for about 60 days They can give birth to between 40 and 100 fry Mollies that are young or are having one of their first few pregnancies will tend to give birth to a smaller rather than larger number of fry

How do you raise Molly Fry?

Raising Fry The fry should be fed a quality food, such as baby brine shrimp, baby fish food, or quality flake food ground into a fine powder Feed the fry small amounts several times a day Maintain good water quality by performing regular water changes

What is the lifespan of a balloon Molly?

The balloon molly fish has a life expectancy similar to those of other types of mollies kept in captivity: three to five years This life span is based on ideal conditions, such as brackish water or saltwater rather than freshwater, which can make a balloon molly fish susceptible to disease and illness

How big do Gold Dust Mollies get?

Growing to a maximum of nearly 5 inches, the Gold Panda Molly requires a tank of at least 25 gallons with algae and plenty of room to swim The tall dorsal fin of the male will not develop if adequate room is not provided for him to swim

What food do molly fish eat?

Molly Fish Food & Diet What is this? Beyond algae, these fish enjoy blanched vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and zucchini The occasional high-protein snack is appreciated, too Mollies will accept live or frozen bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp

Do mollies clean the tank?

Mollies are famously undemanding fish that will fit well in the aquariums of beginners or inexperienced aquarists Indeed, Mollies can help you keep your aquarium free of algae and relatively clean They do so by picking and eating the algae that naturally grow on the rocks and plants of your aquarium

How often do mollies have babies?

The gestation period of a molly fish is around 60 days Female mollies can store sperm for months and may fertilize eggs as often as every 30 days, even when no male is present in the tank Mollies may release 10 to 60 live fish at a time

Do mollies need a heater?

As Mollies are freshwater fish that are found in tropical climates, they will need a heater Mollies are a pretty versatile fish, however, as we previously stated, the best temperature would be between 21 degrees Celsius and 29 degrees celsius