How Many Miles From North Pole To South Pole

Distance from North-Pole to South-Pole The shortest distance (air line) between North-Pole and South-Pole is 12,43681 mi (20,01511 km)

How far is it from the North Pole to the South Pole?

How far is it from North-Pole to the South Pole? From North-Pole to the South Pole, it is 12,43612 mi (20,01400 km) in the north

How many miles is it from pole to pole?

Using those measurements, the equatorial circumference of Earth is about 24,901 miles (40,075 km) However, from pole to pole — the meridional circumference — Earth is only 24,860 miles (40,008 km) around

How long does it take to go from the North Pole to the South Pole?

Average direct flight time is 24 hours 23 minutes The fastest direct flight from North Pole to South Pole is 24 hours 23 minutes

How far is Antarctica from the North Pole?

The total straight line distance between Antarctica and North Pole is 18582 KM (kilometers) and 39614 meters The miles based distance from Antarctica to North Pole is 115466 miles

Which country is the closest to the South Pole?

So, how do you get to Antarctica? Antarctica’s closest access point is in South America Ushuaia in Argentina is the major thoroughfare for Antarctic expeditions From here, you can visit the Antarctic Peninsula as well as the sub-Antarctic islands such as South Georgia and the Falkland Islands

Can you travel from the North Pole to the South Pole?

Today, it’s possible to travel to both the North Pole and the South Pole It’s not cheap Those two trips will each set you back between $30,000 and $100,000, but it’s a lot cheaper than it used to be Those journeys will also put you in a very exclusive club

What country is at the North Pole?

The North Pole is found in the Arctic Ocean, on constantly shifting pieces of sea ice The North Pole is not part of any nation, although Russia placed a titanium flag on the seabed in 2007

How many miles is earth around?

1969 million mi²

How far is the North Pole from the equator?

The distance from the Equator to either the North Pole or the South Pole is approximately 6,215 miles (10,000 km)

Who got to the North Pole first?

The first undisputed expedition to reach the North Pole was that of the airship Norge, which overflew the area in 1926 with 16 men on board, including expedition leader Roald Amundsen

Has anyone flown from the North Pole to the South Pole?

Surprisingly, circumnavigating the world via the North Pole to the South Pole in an airliner is a feat accomplished only three times Why? Because it’s a Very The one-time-only flight on Boeing’s new special performance 747 began in San Francisco, flew over the North Pole and stopped at its next destination: London

Why is it difficult to fly over the North Pole?

Some of it is mountainous, which poses extra flight challenges The same may be said for weather conditions Pilots already have to contend with cold and low visibility when taking off, landing, and flying in cold weather conditions around the world

Which Pole is colder and why?

The Short Answer: Both the Arctic (North Pole) and the Antarctic (South Pole) are cold because they don’t get any direct sunlight However, the South Pole is a lot colder than the North Pole

How far away am I from the equator?

The simplest method to estimate your distance from the equator relies on only your latitude in degrees, which is the first number in a set of coordinates Since each degree of latitude represents 69 miles, you can multiply your latitude by 69 to find your distance from the equator in miles

Do people live in Antarctica?

Antarctica is the only continent with no permanent human habitation There are, however, permanent human settlements, where scientists and support staff live for part of the year on a rotating basis

Has anyone been born Antarctica?

Eleven babies have been born in Antarctica, and none of them died as infants Antarctica therefore has the lowest infant mortality rate of any continent: 0% What’s crazier is why the babies were born there in the first place These weren’t unplanned births

Who owns South Pole?

The South Pole is claimed by seven nations: Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom The tent at the right is a replica of the tent used by Roald Amundsen, the first person to reach the South Pole

What’s the most southern city in the world?

Ushuaia has the distinction of being the southernmost city in the world Pop (2001) 45,430; (2010 est) 56,500

Why is it illegal to go to the South Pole?

Antarctica is the only continent on Earth without a native human population Since no country owns Antarctica, no visa is required to travel there If you are a citizen of a country that is a signatory of the Antarctic Treaty, you do need to get permission to travel to Antarctica

What is forbidden in Antarctica?

Sometimes, it’s something as simple as a pebble from a beach However, in Antarctica, taking anything is banned This includes rocks, feathers, bones, eggs and any kind of biological material including traces of soil Taking anything man-made is also completely banned, as some might actually be research equipment

Who governs Antarctica?

Antarctica doesn’t belong to anyone There is no single country that owns Antarctica Instead, Antarctica is governed by a group of nations in a unique international partnership The Antarctic Treaty, first signed on December 1, 1959, designates Antarctica as a continent devoted to peace and science

Is Alaska part of the North Pole?

Despite its name, the city is about 1,700 miles (2,700 km) south of Earth’s geographic North Pole and 125 miles (200 km) south of the Arctic Circle North Pole, Alaska State Alaska Borough Fairbanks North Star Incorporated January 15, 1953 Government

How thick is the ice at the North Pole?

Earth’s North Pole is covered by floating pack ice (sea ice) over the Arctic Ocean Portions of the ice that do not melt seasonally can get very thick, up to 3–4 meters thick over large areas, with ridges up to 20 meters thick One-year ice is usually about 1 meter thick

Does the North Pole have a flag?

In 2014, Denmark said that Greenland’s location gives them claim to the area that encompasses both the magnetic and geographic North Poles So no, the North Pole itself doesn’t have its own flag