Quick Answer: Why Do Your Ankles Swell

Common causes of swollen ankles, feet and legs eating too much salty food being overweight being pregnant – read about swollen ankles, feet and fingers in pregnancy taking certain medicines – such as some blood pressure medicines, contraceptive pills, antidepressants or steroids

What do swollen ankles indicate?

Sometimes swelling can indicate a problem such as heart, liver, or kidney disease Ankles that swell in the evening could be a sign of retaining salt and water because of right-sided heart failure Kidney disease can also cause foot and ankle swelling

How do you get rid of swollen ankles?

7 Helpful Ways to Reduce Swollen Feet and Ankles Walk it Out Drink Lots of Water Sleep on Your Side Enjoy Some Pool Time Limit Your Salt Wear Compression Socks Elevate Your Feet

Should I worry about swollen ankles?

When the cause is minor or temporary, swollen ankles are often treatable at home, but there are some cases when they need to be treated by a doctor In these situations, swollen ankles could be a sign of a serious illness If your swollen ankles occur along with shortness of breath or chest pain, call 911

How can I reduce the swelling in my feet?

Other ways to alleviate swollen feet include: drinking plenty of water wearing compression socks or stockings soaking the feet in cool water raising the feet above the heart regularly staying active losing weight if overweight eating a healthful diet and being mindful of salt intake massaging the feet

Can dehydration cause swollen ankles?

Stay Hydrated – dehydration causes the constriction of blood vessels leading to the forcing of fluids into the extracellular spaces between cells leading to retention particularly in the lower limbs

Does walking help with swollen ankles?

Tips to reduce ankle and foot swelling Simple lifestyle changes — such as exercise and weight loss — also can help reduce or prevent swelling while also improving your overall health, says Dr Botek She suggested activities such as walking and swimming

What causes swollen ankles in elderly?

Legs, ankles, and feet swell when excess fluid is pulled down by gravity and builds up in the lower body This is called edema and it’s common in older adults and usually happens on both sides of the body It can be caused by a variety of health conditions including heart failure, kidney disease, gout, and arthritis

How do you make swelling go down fast?

Applying an ice-pack or cold compress to an injury is the fastest way to deal with immediate swelling It helps reduce swelling by restricting blood flow to the area and slowing down cellular metabolism Cold therapy systems and ice baths are other methods you can use to apply cold to the area

What to eat to reduce swelling in feet?

Magnesium-rich foods (tofu, spinach, cashews) Therefore, when you are suffering from swollen feet, eat magnesium-rich foods These include tofu, spinach, cashews, almonds, dark chocolate, broccoli and avocados

Does swollen ankles mean heart failure?

Swelling of the feet is a common sign of heart failure You may also notice swelling in your legs, ankles, and stomach Many things can cause swelling, so it’s important to see your doctor to diagnose the cause

What medications cause swollen ankles?

Medications that may cause the feet to swell include: hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone calcium-channel blockers that help control blood pressure steroids, both androgenic and anabolic, and corticosteroids antidepressants nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs medication to help manage diabetes

Does diabetes cause swollen feet?

Diabetes can also cause edema or swelling in the feet and ankles Swelling in people with diabetes is usually due to factors associated with diabetes, such as: obesity poor circulation

What naturally reduces swelling?

Here are 10 to try Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day Buy compression socks Soak in a cool Epsom salt bath for about 15 to 20 minutes Elevate your feet, preferably above your heart Get moving! Magnesium supplements can be helpful for some people Make some dietary changes Lose weight if you’re overweight

What medicine should I take for swelling?

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Ibuprofen, such as Advil or Motrin Naproxen, such as Aleve or Naprosyn

Can sitting cause swollen feet?

The abnormal buildup of fluid in the body is called edema Edema is commonly seen in the feet and ankles, because of the effect of gravity, swelling is particularly noticeable in these locations Common causes of edema are prolonged standing, prolonged sitting, pregnancy, being overweight, and increase in age

How do you flush out edema?

Lifestyle and home remedies Movement Moving and using the muscles in the part of your body affected by edema, especially your legs, may help pump the excess fluid back toward your heart Elevation Massage Compression Protection Reduce salt intake

Does drinking water reduce inflammation?

Inflammation Health experts recommend that a diet rich in anti-oxidants as well as staying hydrated with enough water are great ways to reduce inflammation in the body Water is specifically recommended because it can flush toxins and other irritants out of the body

Can lack of drinking water cause swollen feet?

Water retention “This comes down to the basic principles of osmosis If the intracellular concentration of fluid is greater than the extracellular concentration, you’ll start pooling water into that low-concentration area and it will cause swelling or bloat,” DuFour says

What exercise is good for swollen ankles?

A simple exercise that you can do at home to reduce swelling in the ankles is ankle pumps To do this exercise, lie down and elevate the feet Moving only the feet, point your toes up towards your head, and then down away from your head Go back and forth 30 times, completing this exercise three times per day

What does water retention in ankles mean?

Sitting or standing too long can cause your tissue to hold water If your job keeps you on your feet, you may notice swollen legs and ankles at the end of the day It’s also common after a long time on an airplane The key is to keep blood circulating

What foods are bad for edema?

Avoid refined foods, such as white breads, pastas, and sugar Eat fewer red meats and more lean meats, cold-water fish, tofu (soy, if no allergy), or beans for protein Use healthy cooking oils, such as olive oil