Quick Answer: When Is The Mercury Retrograde Over

Mercury retrograde is back! Mercury is the planet that majorly rules communication in astrology and went into retrograde on September 27, 2021, and will continue till October 18, 2021 During Mercury retrograde, the planet appears to move in a backward direction from west to east

What does it mean when Mercury is in retrograde 2021?

Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion which means it looks as if the planet is moving backwards from our view here on earth Astrologers believe that during this perceived backwards motion, technology and communication could get disrupted, putting a damper on anyone’s summer mood

What day is Mercury retrograde over?

On Sept 27, Mercury will go retrograde for the third and final time in 2021 During this period of Mercury retrograde, which ends on Oct 18, you’ll probably hear a number of people carrying on about how everything is going wrong — and it’s all because of Mercury retrograde

What signs will be affected by Mercury retrograde 2021?

There will be three Mercury retrograde periods in 2021 All three will fall in air signs: Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra The first retrograde of 2021 spanned from January 30 to February 20 in Aquarius The second time in 2021 that Mercury appeared to cruise in reverse lasted from May 29 to June 22 in Gemini

What retrograde are we in right now 2021?

Mercury retrograde is back! Mercury is the planet that majorly rules communication in astrology and went into retrograde on September 27, 2021, and will continue till October 18, 2021 During Mercury retrograde, the planet appears to move in a backward direction from west to east

What are the dates for Mercury retrograde in 2021?

When Is Mercury in Retrograde in 2021? January 30 to February 20 May 29 to June 22 September 27 to October 17

What should you not do during Mercury Retrograde 2021?

An exhaustive list of what not to do during Mercury retrograde Hold off on signing any contracts Making a big purchase? Be prepared for traffic and other travel mishaps Avoid situations primed for misunderstandings Don’t rely on technology Delete that “U Up?” text from a toxic ex Refrain from starting anything new

How does Mercury retrograde affect Gemini 2021?

Gemini: You May Struggle To Connect With Your Vision Of Fun And Romance If it feels like things just aren’t as fun as usual, this retrograde might have something to do with it Mercury is your ruling planet and this retrograde affects you more than most, so prepare for it to feel just as weird as it always does

How can you protect yourself from Mercury retrograde 2021?

HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF DURING MERCURY RETROGRADE Burn lavender flowers daily Take salt baths or swim in the ocean to clear negative energy Don’t start any new projects Clear yourself of others’ energy Double check all your work Back up your computer and devices Tie up or cut off all loose ends

Who gets affected by Mercury retrograde?

04/13Gemini When it comes to Gemini, Mercury is your ruling planet Therefore, during a Mercury Retrograde, you may have faced some challenges in your life, especially relationships With the retrogression over, you are likely to go back to your lively self

How do you feel when Mercury is in retrograde?

Expect to have more or less energy than you’re used to, particularly of the nervous variety will either sap you of your usual zest and leave you feeling lethargic, or fill you with chaotic, scattered energy that might have you feeling restless, unfocused and anxious

What is Mercury retrograde effects?

Mercury rules over communication and intelligence, so the most notable effects of Mercury retrograde are forgetfulness, misunderstandings and unclear communication While this is generally a time of misfortune, it pushes us to be more understanding of one another and put conscious effort into the clarity of our words

Where is mercury right now?

Mercury is currently in the constellation of Libra

Is any planet in retrograde?

The end of September and the beginning of October bring six planets (Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) into retrograde motion

How does Mercury retrograde affect relationships 2021?

Mercury retrograde doesn’t mean you have to avoid all new partnerships, it just means that you should proceed cautiously and be attentive “During its retrograde in Libra, Mercury will be meeting with Mars, which could make us feel anger and frustration,” says Montufar

How does Mercury retrograde 2021 affect Libra?

Mercury will be moving in backward motion (called retrogression) in the sign of Libra on September 27, 2021 When Mercury becomes retrogrades, these areas of our life tend to get affected primarily due to our inability to communicate clearly leading to a lag or breakdown

How does Mercury retrograde affect relationships?

With communication going haywire, Mercury retrograde can really mess with romantic relationships, family dynamics, and emotions in general You may say the wrong thing at the wrong time, send an awkward text, or double-book plans

Is it OK to move during Mercury retrograde?

It’s always a good idea to add two weeks to the gameplan when Mercury is retrograde so you can make time for the unexpected complications that will inevitably arise For instance, you may be set to move in on May 1st but it could be delayed until mid-month for a variety of unforeseen reasons

Is it OK to travel during Mercury retrograde?

Travel can be challenging even without planetary hindrances, but its reliance upon strict planning makes Mercury retrograde particularly challenging “You can expect an increase in delays, technological errors, and disturbances in communication,” Lettman says

Does Mercury retrograde cause breakups?

Mercury retrograde forces us to confront the unsaid, to break the seal of silence on things we have been bottling! Because of that many couples break up suddenly when Mercury is retrooften to come back together once it starts moving forwards again, but that is another topic

What does Mercury in Gemini mean?

Something people might not see in Mercury in Gemini is just how much they actually work Gemini Mercury goes hard, but they give the appearance of being able to do things effortlessly and flawlessly

How is Gemini affected by Mercury retrograde?

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20) Mercury retrograde can often cause missteps for you since this is your ruling planet, but you’ll find an oasis in the bedroom “Expect to be gushing about your newest crush, or the scintillating details about your love and sex life,” says Thomas

How does retrograde affect Scorpios?

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct Retrogrades can be exhausting, and this one could leave you feeling particularly sleepy and overwhelmed, Scorpio That said, it’s OK if you need to take a temporary step back from the trials and tribulations of your love life