Quick Answer: When Is Mercury In Retrograde Next

Mercury retrograde is back! Mercury is the planet that majorly rules communication in astrology and went into retrograde on September 27, 2021, and will continue till October 18, 2021 During Mercury retrograde, the planet appears to move in a backward direction from west to east

What are the Mercury retrograde Dates for 2021?

In 2021, Mercury will be in apparent retrograde motion during the folowing ranges of dates: January 30 to February 20 May 29 to June 22 September 27 to October 17

What is the next Mercury retrograde in?

The first retrograde of 2021 spanned from January 30 to February 20 in Aquarius The second time in 2021 that Mercury appeared to cruise in reverse lasted from May 29 to June 22 in Gemini The third and final retrograde of 2021 lasts from September 27 to October 18 in Libra

What does it mean when Mercury is in retrograde 2021?

Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion which means it looks as if the planet is moving backwards from our view here on earth Astrologers believe that during this perceived backwards motion, technology and communication could get disrupted, putting a damper on anyone’s summer mood

How does Mercury retrograde affect me?

When direct, Mercury allows us to speak our truth, but when in retrograde, our communication gets hazy and causes misunderstandings It also causes a karmic ripple, so situations and people (yes, even that dreaded ex) from our past can make an unwelcome cameo sometimes during Mercury’s tri-annual backspin

What should you not do during Mercury retrograde 2021?

An exhaustive list of what not to do during Mercury retrograde Hold off on signing any contracts Making a big purchase? Be prepared for traffic and other travel mishaps Avoid situations primed for misunderstandings Don’t rely on technology Delete that “U Up?” text from a toxic ex Refrain from starting anything new

How does Mercury retrograde affect relationships 2021?

Mercury retrograde doesn’t mean you have to avoid all new partnerships, it just means that you should proceed cautiously and be attentive “During its retrograde in Libra, Mercury will be meeting with Mars, which could make us feel anger and frustration,” says Montufar

Is Mercury in retrograde right now 2021?

Mercury retrograde is back! Mercury is the planet that majorly rules communication in astrology and went into retrograde on September 27, 2021, and will continue till October 18, 2021 During Mercury retrograde, the planet appears to move in a backward direction from west to east

How does Mercury retrograde affect Gemini 2021?

Gemini: You May Struggle To Connect With Your Vision Of Fun And Romance If it feels like things just aren’t as fun as usual, this retrograde might have something to do with it Mercury is your ruling planet and this retrograde affects you more than most, so prepare for it to feel just as weird as it always does

Where is mercury right now?

Mercury is currently in the constellation of Libra

Should I quit my job during Mercury retrograde?

Try to avoid quitting your job, starting a new relationship, ending an old relationship, or virtually any other life-altering decisions while Mercury is doing its thing Your feelings may completely reverse after this period is over, causing you to regret whatever it is that you did

What’s in retrograde right now 2021?

There are 5 planets in retrograde right now – here’s what it all Mercury Retrograde – September 28 – October 19 Jupiter Retrograde – June 21 – October 17 Saturn Retrograde – May 24 – October 10 Neptune Retrograde – June 26 – December 1

How does Mercury retrograde affect Leo 2021?

Leo: You May Struggle To Stay Focused And Clearheaded During this retrograde, you may feel like you’re thinking a thousand different things at once It may feel even harder to express your thoughts in a way that makes sense, as though you’re not speaking as articulately as you would hope

Who gets affected by Mercury retrograde?

04/13Gemini When it comes to Gemini, Mercury is your ruling planet Therefore, during a Mercury Retrograde, you may have faced some challenges in your life, especially relationships With the retrogression over, you are likely to go back to your lively self

Does Gatorade have mercury in it?

Cause there’s no mercury in Gatorade

What should you not buy during Mercury retrograde?

Don’t buy any electronics or big ticket purchases Try your best to steer clear of the Apple Store If you’re in need of repair, know that due to Mercury Retrograde you’ll be spending more than necessary with little to no fix And not a wise time to do any technical / software upgrades to any devices

What does Mercury retrograde do to relationships?

With communication going haywire, Mercury retrograde can really mess with romantic relationships, family dynamics, and emotions in general You may say the wrong thing at the wrong time, send an awkward text, or double-book plans

How can you protect yourself from Mercury retrograde 2021?

HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF DURING MERCURY RETROGRADE Burn lavender flowers daily Take salt baths or swim in the ocean to clear negative energy Don’t start any new projects Clear yourself of others’ energy Double check all your work Back up your computer and devices Tie up or cut off all loose ends

Is it OK to travel during Mercury retrograde?

Travel can be challenging even without planetary hindrances, but its reliance upon strict planning makes Mercury retrograde particularly challenging “You can expect an increase in delays, technological errors, and disturbances in communication,” Lettman says

Does Mercury retrograde affect sleep?

In addition to impacting the quality and quantity of sleep you get, Mercury retrograde can also have an impact on your dreams, says Gailing If your mind is racing during the day, going over details and stoking anxious feelings, those sentiments can bleed into your dreams

Can Mercury retrograde cause breakups?

Mercury retrograde forces us to confront the unsaid, to break the seal of silence on things we have been bottling! Because of that many couples break up suddenly when Mercury is retrooften to come back together once it starts moving forwards again, but that is another topic

Should you date during Mercury retrograde?

First dates during Mercury Retrograde are never a good idea because it’s not easy to communicate, and there are too many opportunities for things to go wrong If your car doesn’t break down on the way to the date, your movie will be sold out or you might make a joke that’s taken as an insult

How do I get out of Mercury retrograde?

8 Tips for Surviving and Thriving During Mercury Retrograde Surrender to the Slowdowns Clean Out Your Closets Finish Projects Reach Out to People You Haven’t Seen But Are Thinking of Don’t Sign Contracts or Break Up With Your Partner Triple-Check All of Your Emails and Text Messages