How To Insert A Diva Cup

What is the easiest way to insert a DivaCup?

How do you know if your DivaCup is inserted correctly?

If the menstrual cup has been inserted correctly, you might hear a “pop” or a suction sound which means that the cup has unfolded and created the necessary suction seal If you’re in doubt, reach in and feel around the base of the cup – it should feel round or oval and not have any noticeable folds

How far should you insert a DivaCup?

The Cup should be fully inside your vagina, with the stem of the Cup within approximately 1/2 inch of your vaginal opening (though this may vary from person to person as every body is different!) Please note that your Cup will sit slightly lower in your vagina than a tampon would

Why is it so hard to put my DivaCup in?

For many first time users, inserting the DivaCup can be tough, because it is different, and much bigger than a tampon Add tense muscles to the mix and insertion can take on a whole new meaning With tense muscles, insertion will be uncomfortable and the cup will most likely not open or be placed at the right angle

Should the diva cup stem stick out?

The end of the stem should be sitting no more than 1cm from the vaginal opening Nothing should be sticking out, but it should be only just inside you In some cases the menstrual cup may rise up higher and then settle in it’s own position Try re-inserting the cup again

Can a guy feel a menstrual cup?

How do they hold up during sex? Menstrual discs don’t take up any real estate in your vaginal canal, making it an ideal option for period sex They sit at the base of your cervix just like a diaphragm, so as long as it’s inserted properly, you and your partner shouldn’t be able to feel it

Can you poop with a menstrual cup in?

You can easily pee with a menstrual cup inserted, but pooping is a different story The cup’s suction will prevent it from falling down the toilet, yet as you exert pressure to push the stool out of your anus, this pressure could cause the menstrual cup to shift, making pooping uncomfortable

Does it pain while inserting menstrual cup?

Do menstrual cups hurt or feel uncomfortable? Many people can’t feel their cups at all once they’re inserted, Dr Cullins says, and it shouldn’t be painful when you insert it, either (though it might take more practice to use than a tampon or pad)

Why does my menstrual cup leak when I lay down?

We do know of some, who while sleeping, may experience leaking due to their muscles relaxing so much that it loosens the seal of the cup For this reason, ensuring the cup is angled correctly and inserted properly is important For more tips on how to insert the DivaCup, check out our Insertion page

What are the disadvantages of menstrual cup?

Menstrual cups may be an affordable and environmentally friendly option, but you still need to keep a few things in mind: Cup removal can be messy They can be tough to insert or remove It can be hard to find the right fit You may be allergic to the material It may cause vaginal irritation

Can you swim with a Diva Cup?

Can you safely go swimming while wearing a menstrual cup? The short answer is a definitive YES! The cup will create a slight seal prohibiting menstrual flow from leaking out or water leaking in It also holds more volume than a tampon, so you’ll be able to enjoy your swim for a longer length of time

Will I lose my virginity if I use a menstrual cup?

In short, no, using a menstrual cup will not make you lose your virginity So, to put it simply, the DivaCup does not affect the state of a person’s virginity While the DivaCup may stretch the hymen, it’s important to remember that someone is a virgin because they’ve not had sex

Do Gynecologists recommend menstrual cups?

A menstrual cup is not suitable for women with severe clinical uterine prolapse, but all women with normal anatomy should be able to comfortably use a menstrual cup Period cups may be less suitable for women who experience cervical or vaginal prolapse after childbirth

Can you insert a menstrual cup too far?

Don’t insert your cup too high As long as it’s sitting underneath your cervix, you’re good Remember that cups generally don’t sit as high as tampons do, as they sit closer to the vaginal opening (though they can move around as you do) You should be able to easily reach the stem

How do you get a diva cup out without spilling it?

Use your pelvic muscles to help lower the cup and push it out To help prevent the contents spilling out, tilt the cup slightly so one half of the rim comes out first then tilt the other way to remove the other half Once the cup is out, slowly tip the blood into the toilet

How often should I boil my menstrual cup?

We advise boiling your cup for 20 minutes between each menstrual cycle to keep it fresh and clean, but if you forgot or didn’t have time to boil it, you can sanitize the cup with our handy Cup Wipes, or wipe it down with rubbing alcohol

Why does my menstrual cup hurt to take out?

Even though most menstrual cups have a long stem at their base this is not what you should use to remove your cup Simply tugging the stem to remove your menstrual cup may cause pain or discomfort because the cup has created a “suction” inside your vaginal canal

How can I stop my period ASAP?

If women are on oral contraceptive agents (the pill) their periods often shorten and lighten Take hormonal birth control Have sex Exercise regularly Maintain a healthy weight Get the right nutrients Try clinically-proven herbal remedies Stay hydrated The bottom line

Can a diva cup get stuck?

If you’ve ever wondered: Can you get a menstrual cup stuck? The answer is yes, but you can totally get it out without asking your bestie for help (though many people have used a helper or a doctor to dislodge a stuck cup) While you might have a moment of panic, you’re going to be just fine