Can dogs eat soba?

Soba, such as Zaru soba, tempura soba, and 100% soba, is indispensable for lunch and sake. Soba has a smooth throat and a delicious flavor, but is it okay for dogs to eat soba, just as humans are allergic to soba? Let’s check before feeding.

Can dogs eat soba?

Can dogs eat soba?

When feeding buckwheat noodles, I am concerned about buckwheat allergies. In humans, severe buckwheat allergies can be life-threatening. So, can dogs eat soba without any problems?

It’s okay to give your dog soba

In conclusion, there is nothing wrong with dogs eating soba. There are few cases of soba allergy in dogs, and it can be said that it is unlikely that allergic symptoms will occur in soba.

However, keep in mind that some dogs may have allergic symptoms and may be ill with diarrhea. If you experience such symptoms after eating soba, see your veterinarian immediately.

What do you need to know before giving to your dog | What are the nutrients contained in soba?

In fact, soba contains a lot of nutrients. Some people even eat soba instead of supplements.

Soba is rich in amino acids and vitamins, but I would like to explain the nutrients that you should pay attention to.

Can dogs eat soba?


Rutin is a very abundant nutrient in buckwheat.

Also known as vitamin P, it can be expected to have the effect of strengthening capillaries and promoting the absorption of vitamin C.

Rutin dissolves when you boil soba noodles, so if you eat it with boiled soup, you will be able to get a good amount of rutin. It is offered as soba hot water at a barley shop, but it means that you can get a good amount of rutin by drinking soba hot water.

Dietary fiber

Soba also contains dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is said to be about nine times that of rice, and it will help dogs with constipation.

It is expected that by drinking the boiled juice together, it will be hydrated and the bowel movement will be improved. However, be careful not to give too much boiled juice, as it may cause diarrhea and abdominal pain due to excessive water intake.

Can dogs eat soba?

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is a nutrient that helps relieve fatigue. For dogs that need a lot of exercise every day, buckwheat is an effective approach.

What are the precautions when feeding dogs soba?

So what do you have to be careful about when feeding your dog soba? It is important to understand that dogs can eat nutritious buckwheat noodles with peace of mind.

Check the ingredients of soba

If you use commercially available buckwheat noodles, you can see the ingredients of the buckwheat noodles on the backside. What I want to check is the amount of wheat.

Dogs often have a wheat allergic reaction, so when giving your dog soba, start with a small amount. If you have allergic symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, stop giving buckwheat immediately and consult your veterinarian.

With 100% buckwheat noodles, you don’t have to worry about wheat allergies, so if you can make your own buckwheat noodles, 100% buckwheat noodles are recommended.

Can dogs eat soba?

Soba is given after cooling

If you boil the buckwheat noodles and give them immediately, you may burn the inside of the cavity. Therefore, it is advisable to boil the buckwheat noodles and then cool them before giving them.

Also, make it a little softer or cut it into small pieces so that the dog can eat it easily.

Of course, the boiled juice is also rich in rutin, so I would like to give it together, but if you give the boiled juice after cooling it a little, it will be easier for the dog to drink.

Handmade dog rice with lots of love using soba!

Soba is a nutritious food, but dogs are basically omnivorous to carnivorous, so if you don’t eat meat, you won’t be able to get vitality every day. When feeding your dog soba, treat it as one of the ingredients and side dishes of homemade rice, and be careful not to damage your dog’s nutrition.