Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Dog Harnesses for Large Dogs

harnesses for large dogs

Even if you use the best quality collar for your beloved dog, they feel uncomfortable after a long walk. That is why you must get a dog harness for your dog

A collar works by gripping your dog’s neck area, which can be dangerous for two reasons. One, because it can choke your dog’s neck if they are large and aggressive, and two, if your dog is small, they can slip out.

However, a Martingale collar is still safer as it doesn’t allow your dog to slip out when pulling on the leash and evenly distributes the strain on your neck.

4 Advantages Of Using Dog Harnesses For Large Dogs


A harness, unlike the collar, distributes the weight across his body. The comfort and the grip depends on the harness’s design, but it takes off the pressure from your dog’s neck, which can be quite strenuous by the end of the day. 

A harness is a better option to consider if you are looking for something that provides comfort and is safe for your dog; consider getting a dog harness.

Now, let us look at some advantages and disadvantages of using dog harnesses for large dogs.

  • Greater Control

Large dogs are strong, making it difficult for dog parents to handle them, and a harness gives them more control. Even if your large dog isn’t a puller or aggressive, a harness might make them feel safer and more comfortable when out for a walk. 

Greater control over your dog is one of the biggest advantages of the harness if your dog is large and portrays aggressive behavior.

  • Protects Trachea

A harness protects your dog’s trachea from damage, especially if they tend to pull the leash hard. When one leads a large dog with the help of a leash and a collar, the trachea gets compressed. 

A harness redistributes this tension to the torso and minimizes the risk of choking on it. Harnesses are all-around safer from a medical standpoint.

  • Provides Security

Dogs are meant to run free, and harnesses keep the entire body in place no matter how hard your dog pulls. 

It won’t break or allow your dog to escape. It lets the dog parents have peace of mind, allowing them to take their dog wherever they want. 

  • Eases Training

Dog harnesses can help modify walking habits as it makes them realize that pulling is ineffective for moving them forward. 

You can easily train your dog to do things they ought to, and by pulling the harness back, you can ensure that they behave properly.

4 Disadvantages Of Using Dog Harnesses For Large Dogs

After listing and understanding the four main advantages of using dog harnesses for large dogs, it is time to dive deeper into some obvious and other not-so-obvious disadvantages of the same. 

  • Difficulty In Adapting

If you introduce your dog to a harness later in life, they could initially be reluctant. There shouldn’t be any problems if your dog has been wearing a harness since they were puppies.  

They might not enjoy how it feels or be used to having the harness put on and taken off so frequently. Both you and your dog may find this frustrating, but never give up at the first hint of difficulty considering all the advantages we discussed above.

  • Size Issues

There are different sizes available for harnesses, so you must ensure that you try them on your dog for the best fit before making the purchase. 

Additionally, it’s crucial to get the proper fit so that it doesn’t bind too tightly or rub the dog’s front legs. But like anything else, this obstacle is readily surmounted when handled with care and patience.

Your dog could be able to escape from a harness if it is too big. On the other hand, a harness that is too tight for your dog might prove to be uncomfortable and painful.

  • Misaligned Posture

When dogs wear harnesses for a longer period, their posture gets affected as they start aligning backward so that the front is not as stressed. This can often impact their walk and posture.

  • Encourages Pulling

Some claim that using a harness on their dogs has encouraged pulling in them. However, this is a much-debated topic because others claim improper training is responsible for encouraging dogs to pull more often. 

Dogs will become irritated if their owners are overly rigid about harnesses and use them for extended periods. So, it is best to maintain a fine balance between using a harness and a collar to ensure your dog is comfortable.

Concluding Remarks

Each dog is unique, and so are its requirements. You need to find the right product for your pet by testing out what works best for them. 

We have listed the top four advantages and disadvantages that will help you make a well-informed decision on what to use and when to use it with your dog.