11 steps to teach you how to punish a dog

When dogs do bad behaviors, you may punish them. You just want them to know that their behavior is unacceptable. Don’t beat and scold the dogs, you should use more effective punishment methods, such as ignoring them or ignoring them. Positive reinforcement can be very effective for dogs to quickly understand what behaviors they should avoid.

11 steps to teach you how to punish a dog

Respond to bad behavior

Correct the dog’s behavior. If the dog misbehaves, you give them a reminder or signal that they have made the wrong decision. You can say “think again” or something similar in a pleasant but corrective tone. Your tone should sound like “Are you sure you want to do this?” Dogs can understand the meaning, just as they can understand what you are saying.

  •   Remember, the dog did not deliberately disobey your instructions. When a dog does something you don’t like, you have to let them know that this behavior cannot be repeated in the future.

11 steps to teach you how to punish a dog

Diver your attention. If the dog continues to do the wrong thing, you turn around or leave the room and ignore them. Dogs are social animals and they want to be the center of attention. Being ignored or ignored will make them reconsider their behavior. If you spot bad behavior early, you can let the dog correct it before it becomes entrenched.

  •   For example, when teaching a dog to follow your instructions, if the dog does not obey the command, you can say “think again” and then turn around. The dog should realize that he has made a mistake. Turn around to face the dog and repeat the initial instructions. If they still don’t cooperate, just say “think again” and then turn around again. Repeat this process until they understand what kind of behavior is correct.

Don’t pay attention to bad behavior. After knowing how to deal with a disobedient dog, you must understand what kind of reactions can reinforce bad behavior. Sometimes, dogs do bad things just to get your attention. Calling dogs or yelling at them has turned into rewarding them with your attention. This makes them more likely to repeat this behavior in the future. Remember, even scolding and yelling are rewards for dogs.

  •   For example, the doorbell may startle the dog and start barking. If you ignore the calls, they won’t be rewarded, and the next time you hear the ringtone, they may not call again. However, if you quiet the dogs loudly when they bark, then you pay attention and reward them inadvertently. In this case, they are more likely to bark when they hear the ringtone again.

11 steps to teach you how to punish a dog

Don’t yell or hit the dog. Verbal punishment or corporal punishment is not an effective way to prevent bad behavior. On the contrary, dogs will only start to fear you. For example, hitting dogs because they are peeing in the house will only make them pee secretly. They may hide or avoid you every time they have a bowel movement. This is not good for you, because you have to spend more time finding the dirty place and then clean it up.

  •   Dogs cannot understand verbal punishment or physical punishment. They will only feel confused and painful, thereby destroying your relationship.

Teach dogs to control biting behavior. Bite is bad behavior that must be controlled. Educate your dogs to let them know that biting people can cause harm. For this reason, when the dog chews on your hand, he screams and pulls it out. Stop playing, wait a few minutes or leave the room. Not playing with dogs and not paying attention to them is a form of punishment that dogs can understand. They will quickly associate the rough playstyle with the end of the game and naturally avoid this future behavior.

  •   Adult dogs may bite because they are too aggressive. Without professional help, teaching them to stop biting may be more difficult than training puppies. You can take them to see the vet or find a dog training coach to learn about specific dog problems.

11 steps to teach you how to punish a dog

Prevent bad behavior

Find out what causes the dog to behave badly. Remember, dogs will not deliberately behave badly. If your dog misbehaves, such as chewing on your shoes, destroying furniture while you are not at home, or barking at strangers, there must be a reason, but you don’t know what it is. Take a moment to figure out why the dog is mischievous.

  •   For example, if a dog chews on furniture when you are out, it may be because you are not around, making them feel bored or anxious.

Eliminate the incentives for bad behavior. After figuring out the reasons behind the dog’s bad behavior, it is necessary to eliminate these incentives as much as possible. Maybe you will find that dogs barking because they are excited by something, such as seeing pedestrians on the street or passing vehicles. To prevent barking, you can close the curtains.

  •   You can also make some arrangements to reduce the number of times the dog is frightened, which may be the cause of many bad behaviors. If the dog starts barking because of a specific inducement, such as seeing a postman, you can lock the dog in the backyard every day when he comes to deliver the letter.

Reward good behavior. Although you can punish your dog for bad behavior, rewarding it for good behavior is the best way to help your dog develop good habits. Use positive reinforcement when your dog behaves well, obeys orders, or defecates in the right place. Give them some snacks, praise them as “good dogs” with a pleasant voice, or touch their heads or scratch their stomachs.

  •   Reward the dog immediately after he has done good behavior so that the dog can establish a positive connection. If the reward is too early or too late, the dog will not know why he is rewarded.

11 steps to teach you how to punish a dog

Let the dog move more. Dogs who are bored or lack activity are more likely to bark than dogs who exercise regularly. If your dog stays at home most of the day, when they have a chance to go out or when you get home, they may jump up, bark, or behave out of line. Try to take the dog out for a walk or run for at least one hour a day. More activity can prevent the dog from making bad behaviors.

  •   Make sure the dog has enough molar toys. When dogs must be at home alone, this type of toy can give them something to do. It can also prevent dogs’ bad behaviors, such as biting things that shouldn’t be bitten.

cultivate a habit. Dogs may behave badly when they feel stressed or feel unfamiliar with their surroundings. You can develop some simple habits to make them feel safer and more relaxed. For example, if a dog defecates anywhere, you can do cage training first, take them out often, and let them defecate in the same place. If you train at a fixed time, they can associate urination with the correct position.

  •   You should also feed and play with the dog at a fixed time. In this way, the dog knows when to get attention and care. Knowing that game time is approaching, they are less likely to behave badly or try to get your attention.

11 steps to teach you how to punish a dog

Know when to ask for help. If you cannot find the cause of the dog’s bad behavior, or the dog’s behavior has not improved, it is best to consult a professional animal behaviorist or pet psychologist. You can ask the veterinarian to recommend a well-trained and fully qualified expert. You can also ask the veterinarian to check if the dog’s bad behavior is caused by a health problem.

  •   Physical examination is especially important for elderly dogs. For example, your dog may become incontinent due to health problems. The veterinarian can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for further medical treatment or behavioral therapy.


  •   When you stop the game or ignore the dogs, don’t look at them or make eye contact. Otherwise, the dog will know that you are paying attention to them, and will do the same to attract your attention in the future.
  •   Don’t punish dogs for urinating randomly, watch for signs of going out. If your dog accidentally spills urine in a place where it should not be spilled, you can use an enzyme cleaner to remove all odor markers.